Human Population China - World’s most populous country (majority male) -20% of world’s population - An aging population -Pollution issues 1 child policy, since 1970s amended 2014
Carrying capacity for Humans not known What is Earth’s current population? Carrying capacity for Humans not known Thomas Malthus (1798) observed exponential population growth What type of growth best describes human population?
What innovations have helped population grow? Malthus- theorized population would run out of food What innovations have helped population grow?
Modern Agriculture: has increased food supply (wheat) and reduced starvation Average # bushels harvested per acre in Iowa 1900: 38 bushels 2000: 150 bushels .How? .
Science and Technology has helped increase growth rate and decreased death rate Improved Medical Techniques have reduced infant mortality (vaccines, drugs, and better practice), provided effective treatments and extended life expectancy (drugs, therapy, and care)
Improved housing and hygiene has allowed people to stay healthier and reduced the risk of disease (cholera, staff infection, MRSA) Flush toilets have saved more lives than any other invention but 2.6 billion people lack toilets …
Changes in population size CBR: Crude Birth Rate – number of births/1,000 CDR: Crude Death Rate - number of deaths/1,000 -Rates are typically expressed as a percent! What does doubling time mean?
Population Growth Problems Please complete #2, 3, 6, and 7
Over last 50 years Population Growth Rate has slowed but human population size has more than doubled Population Momentum: In high fertility countries, population growth continues for several decades even if birth rate is reduced
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has decreased in most countries Total Fertility Rate over Time TFR: average number of children that each woman in a population will have Replacement Level Fertility: TFR required to offset the average number of deaths Year
Life Expectancy: the average number of years an infant can be expected to live What factors most affect life expectancy?
Working in a group of 2 – 3, go to the assigned station and solve the population problem. Show your work on the poster. Then answer the questions below in your notebook. What is the trend in human population over the last 50 years? What factors affect human population growth rate?
Infant mortality: the number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births High infant mortality is most directly related to under nutrition, health care Child Mortality: the number of deaths of children under age 5 per 1,000 live births
Aging and Disease Increased life expectancy contributes more to population growth today than a century ago. Ultimately aging contributes to crude death rate How does life expectancy in the US compare to the rest of the world? ? *
Disease also contributes to death rate Most Common Fatal Diseases -Heart Disease -Cancer -Respiratory infection -HIV / AIDS -Diarrheal Diseases -Tuberculosis -Malaria
What continent has the greatest incidence of AIDS?
Age Structure Diagrams What can you infer from the diagram?
How is growth in developed countries different from developing?
Comprehension Check 1. What is total fertility rate. Explain. 2 Comprehension Check 1. What is total fertility rate? Explain. 2. What is the main factor in US population growth? 3. If a population is growing at a rate of 5%, how long would it take to double this population? 4. What is the difference between infant and child mortality? 5. What region of the world has the highest incidence of HIV?
4. Why are fertility rates greater in developing countries. 5 4. Why are fertility rates greater in developing countries? 5. What does fertility mean? Give an example. 6. What are current trends in birth rate and death rate? 7. What factors are primarily related to death rate?
II. Factors Affecting Human Population
A) Population Growth is related to births and immigration
B) Population Decline related to death and emigration
C) Current birth rate is greater than death rate
D) Statistics 1.Countries with largest number of people: China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil
2. Countries with greatest growth India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh
E) Fertility Rates 1. Fertility: number of births in a woman’s life
2. Replacement Level Fertility: number of children a couple must bear to replace themselves
3. Total fertility rate (TFR) -average number of children a woman typically has during her reproductive years
Global Population Growth Rate = (CBR – CDR)100 #4 If the shire region has 27 births per 1000 and 19 deaths per 1000. What was the population growth rate?