Yachting Australia Instructor Training {Location} Slide key points: - Introduce yourself and provide some background on your experience within the program.
By the end of this course you will be able to: Plan an effective instructional session in the classroom and on-water Facilitate a session that is fun, safe and engaging Assess the learning of your students and be able to provide high quality feedback that will improve their skills Develop strategies to work with difficult students and other stakeholders Have an understanding of the Discover Sailing program and Instructor pathway and your role within it Key points to highlight: Provide an outline of the program over the next few days and outline once they are finished what they would have learnt
Introductions / Icebreaker What’s your name? How did you get into Sailing? Outline any previous experience as a trainer/coach/instructor/teacher. From what you know about instructing, what do you believe to be your strengths and where can you develop/improve? Senior Instructors must have completed the online general principles quiz. Icebreaker overview (4 minutes in pairs and 11 minutes for feedback) - Allocate pairs (try to separate candidates who have come together). - Get them to ask each other the questions on the slide. - Each pair is to introduce their partner to the group. Senior Instructor to facilitate discussion on areas that candidates would like more focus on and take note of discussion to ensure these areas are highlighted throughout the course.
Yachting Australia Structure Develop and manage national strategies, policies, programs, systems, standards and procedures, in consultation with the states to increase the number of people sailing safely at member clubs through skills development. Manage and provide local service to Centre’s and Instructors in implementing the Discover Sailing Learn to Sail (and Powerboat) Programs. Deliver the Learn to Sail (and Powerboat) Programs to customers in accordance with the Yachting Australia Operating Standards and Guidelines. Deliver Programs to customers in accordance with the Yachting Australia Operating Standards and Guidelines. Yachting Australia State Associations Discover Sailing Centres Accredited Instructors Refer to pages 13-14 in the Instructor handbook to highlight the Instructors role inline with the other key levels within training. Quickly overview the role of the centre in adhering to operating standards and guidelines, the centres obligation to purchase packs and put students in myCentre for insurance purposes and also the need to allocate instructors to courses to ensure it counts towards revalidation. (pages 9, 12 &13) Highlight the ratios instructors should be operating under (operating standards and guidelines)
Benefits of being a qualified Yachting Australia instructor Eligibility to work at an accredited Discover Sailing Centre. Recognition by Discover Sailing Centres and customers as to having achieved a quality standard. Access to standard course syllabi and resources. Instructor liability insurance and centre public liability insurance. Access to ongoing learning and development through conferences and newsletters. Promotion of instructor qualification through the search facility on the website. Insurance will always bring up a few questions. Key points on insurance: Only covered under YA at DSC Only covered under YA if renewed and revalidated Only when delivering DS courses within their remit Refer to website or state for more information DELETE: They’re already on the course so no need for the “sell”
How to maintain your instructor qualification Your instructor qualification is valid for five years and during this period you must: Maintain a current applied first aid certificate Comply with the working with children state legislation in your state/ territory. Comply with relevant state maritime licence requirements Pay an annual renewal fee to Yachting Australia Following five years instructors must revalidate their qualification. It is very important that instructors understand the difference between their renewal period and their revalidation period in maintaining their qualification. Outline the state/territory specific legislation for children checks and state licences within your state/territory. Link this to the instructors code of conduct. Get the instructors to read and sign the code of conduct. Insert benefits of paying the renewal fee??? The revalidation process can be found on the website
mySailor Upon successful completion of your instructor course you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. This is not a certificate of your qualification. Only when all of the pre-requisite requirements and assessment is completed will you be awarded a Certificate of Competency for your instructor qualification. A record of your achievement will be available on your personal online profile (known as mySailor, accessible through the Yachting Australia website) which you may access using your unique login ID (mySailor number) and password. On their mySailor profile they can: Update their contact details (very important) print and reprint course and qualification certificates from here Check when their qualifications are due for renewal and revlaidation Add other qualifications to their profile for validation by their state association i.e first aid Complete an electronic sailing log for future reference
Course Assessments Plan, organise and deliver a 10 minute theory session on your allocated topic Plan, organise and deliver a 15 minute practical instructing session with a group on your allocated topic Each assessment task is designed to allow the you to demonstrate sufficient instructional skills, preparation and subject matter knowledge. Clearly outline the assessment components of the course, highlighting that they will be provided with ongoing support and feedback throughout the course and this will be considered, along with the formal assessments. Highlight they will also have ongoing opportunities to demonstrate their instructing/presenting skills throughout the courses with peer and senior instructor feedback. Highlight that the assessment criteria has been provided to them within their pack, and they should have received this as part of their joining instructions as well.
Program Syllabus Review and discuss program syllabus, up to the level the specific qualification covers. Outline any other additional resources that may be available.
Contact Information << insert State Association details here>> Yachting Australia Education and Training Department Email: training@yachting.org.au Phone: 02 8424 7400 Website: www.yachting.org.au Outline the instructors point of contacts. The first point of contact is always their State Association.