Figure Legend: From: The color constancy of three-dimensional objects Journal of Vision. 2012;12(4):6. doi:10.1167/12.4.6 Figure Legend: Constancy indices, Experiment 2. (A) Mean across observer constancy indices for Experiment 2 for conditions with matte contextual spheres for both test luminances. Within group, the three bars provide indices for the matte disk, matte sphere, and glossy sphere. Blue 5: Blue illuminant change, consistent-cue, 5 cd/m2 test. Blue 3: Blue illuminant change, consistent-cue, 3 cd/m2 test. Eq Blue 5: Blue illuminant change, reduced-cue, 5 cd/m2 test; Eq Blue 3: Blue illuminant change, reduced-cue, 3 cd/m2 test. (B) Mean constancy indices for Experiment 2 with 5 cd/m2 tests for both matte and glossy contextual spheres. Within group, the three bars provide indices for the matte disk, matte sphere, and glossy sphere. Matte: Blue illuminant change, consistent-cue, matte contextual spheres. Glossy: Blue illuminant change, consistent-cue, glossy contextual spheres. Eq Matte: Blue illuminant change, reduced-cue, matte contextual spheres. Eq Glossy: Blue illuminant change, reduced-cue, glossy contextual spheres. Note that the data plotted for Matte and Eq Matte in (B) are the same data plotted for Blue 5 and Eq Blue 5 in (A). Error bars in both panels show ±1 SEM. The Supplementary materials provide tabulated data for the individual observers, achromatic chromaticity plots for each observer, and constancy index plots for each observer. Date of download: 3/12/2018 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.