1). Successive years of research showed that 80% of accidents 1) Successive years of research showed that 80% of accidents at workplace are caused by unsafe behaviour. 2) The main purpose of BBSM is therefore to influence people for safe work habits. 3) It is proactive approach in which behaviour is a base for improving Safety performance because it is observable, definable and measurable also. 4) BBSM focus on the source of safety problem i.e. at risk behaviour of people .
At risk behaviour or unsafe behaviour is source of accidents At risk behaviour or unsafe behaviour is source of accidents. The series of unsafe behaviour occur ahead of near misses, injury, fatality take place.
IMPLEMENTATION OF BBSM Management was visibly committed to BBSM. Define safe behaviour. Observe behaviour & give feedback . Decide Behavioural Action Plan and implement.
Training was conducted at plant on how to implement BBSM on following points:- Identify Unsafe Act in all your operation. Make a list of safe acts for these unsafe acts. Audit Unsafe Acts & Condition. Make a Report. Measure no. of safe / unsafe acts. Know your scores. Set Improvement Goals. Identity actions to achieve the goals. Implement Actions. Recognize performers & celebrate achievement.
Office order was issued by Director and chairman, Plant Safety Committee to all H.O.D.’s as below. Office Order Date:14.03.12 Training was conducted on 10.03.2012 on “Behaviour Base Safety” latest powerful tool for achieving zero accident target. As suggested by the trainer, you are advised to implement this safety tool in your department, Submit compliance report to Mr. A.Durga Prasad, Organizing Secretary, Plant Safety Committee by 20.03.2012 and maintain Record for review in monthly safety meetings. --sd-- Chairman Plant Safety Committee
1. List of safe behaviour for each department. was declared by H. O. D 1. List of safe behaviour for each department was declared by H.O.D.’s in consultation of all subordinates. 2. List of safe behaviour was prepared in local language i.e. Hindi which is understood by all employees. 3. The declared safe behaviour was displayed at strategic locations in department.
Mechanism for monitoring:- An engineer was assigned the task of inspection of all workplaces and collect data of number of employees following declared safe behaviour and number of employees not following declared safe behaviour once in a month in the following format:
Safe Behaviour in Pollution Control Department Declared Safe Behaviour Safe Unsafe Discharge ESP fields before maintenance Always wear nose mask and safety goggles in maintenance of bag house and ESP 1 3
Recording of :- Safe :-. If everybody is behaving safely put Recording of :- Safe :- If everybody is behaving safely put 1(one) mark in safe column and 0 (Zero) in unsafe column. Unsafe:- If some people are behaving unsafely put 0 (zero) in unsafe column e.g. 5 are behaving unsafely.
Calculation of percentage safe :- %safe = safe acts / unsafe acts+ safe acts X 100 %safe is calculated every month and reviewed in monthly plant safety committee meetings. Unsafe behaviour observed is discussed and feedback is given to correct unsafe behaviour.
Unsafe Behaviour, near misses, first aid accidents and dangerous occurrences are reported in Prescribed format (notice of accident form) and reviewed in monthly meeting of plant safety committee. Intervention are suggested and implemented. For any modification in machinery and addition of new equipments new safe behaviour are declared and followed.
Minutes of monthly safety meeting are prepared in the following format in local language (Hindi) and displayed on Notice Board. Review of accidents reported for the period from last safety meeting to present safety meeting. Review of implementation of points of last meeting. New Points / Suggestions if any. Review of % safe and unsafe behaviour observed. Training of safe behaviour in department where % safe has decreased.
Following Safety Programs are organized to develop safety awareness and remind employees of zero accident target, total safety culture. Road Safety Week - 11 January to 17 January. National Safety Week – 04 March to 11 March. World Environment Day – 05 June. International Ozone preservation Day - 16 September. Report and Photographs of the above are published in local print media and Industrial Safety Chronicle of National Safety Council. Press Clippings are Displayed on our notice board to develop awareness. The Photograph and report of Activities organized on World Environment Day are Uploaded on UNEP Website. Print Out is Displayed on Our Notice Board.