Affordable Adobe Presented by: Gail Dunn Twitter: TechGailD
Fire up your Creativity- Adobe Education Exchange Join the Adobe Education Exchange and take advantage of free professional development opportunities, teaching resources, discussion boards, and tons of resources. Sign up here.
Photography Photoshop Mix — Cut-out and mix elements from different images, blend layers, change background and apply filters. Lightroom Mobile – Capture, tune, organize and share professional quality images from your smartphone or tablet. Photoshop Express • Basics • Auto-Fix • Blemish • Corrections • Filters • Frames • Image Rendering Engine • Watermark images • Share Photoshop Sketch - Draw with pencils, pens, markers, erasers, and paint brushes to create artwork that can be sent as layered files to Adobe Photoshop CC or Adobe Illustrator CC. Photoshop Fix — Photo editor with facial features edit, heal, lighten, liquefy, color, retouch, blur background and adjust your images or PSD files.
Video-Premiere Clip Drag and drop clips and photos in the order that you like, trim out the parts you don’t want. Add lighting adjustments, transitions, and slow motion effects. Sync to Music lets you edit to the beat of your music. Choose from stock soundtracks, or add your own music. Save finished videos to your gallery, share directly to Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, or send them to Premiere Pro CC for additional editing.
Student Projects - Spark Spark Page, Spark Post, and Spark Video are available as Apple apps, and are also available online on computers. They enable students to quickly make a high quality project, keep a learning log, or create something new with quality graphics. Sample Spark Page
Design – Illustrator Draw Create vector artwork with image and drawing layers you can send to Adobe Illustrator CC or to Photoshop CC. • Zoom up to 64x to apply finer details. • Sketch with five different pen tips with adjustable opacity, size and color. • Work with multiple image and drawing layers. • Rename, duplicate, merge and adjust each individual layer. • Insert basic shape stencils or new vector shapes from Capture CC. • Send an editable native file to Illustrator or a PSD to Photoshop that automatically opens on your desktop.
Artistic - Capture Use Capture to pull a color pallet from any image and use it in your projects. Use Capture to transform sketches into vector graphics or brushes
Creative - Comp Take the details out of your design ideas to get started. Sketch the basics with just a finger. Lay out an idea with real assets like photos, text, shapes and fonts. Send the wireframe to Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, InDesign CC to refine and finish.
App Prototyping - XD Create working prototypes of apps with no coding necessary. App Prototype Video
Share - Behance With a free account, you and your students can post your work, follow others, or get inspired.
Get Inspired Adobe Create Magazine, a digital magazine full of ideas and work samples. Teen created projects and videos addressing real world issues. Competitions for high school students with scholarships available.