You may click ‘Course Information for Early Registration’ tab page to view the courses already assigned to you, other courses you need to take, and the courses you need to re-take Please read these paragraphs CAREFULLY Step 1 – Select the ‘Course Group’ from drop down
Step 2 – Click to view the available course list of the selected ‘Course Group’ and select your preferences
You are allowed to have up to 3 preferences for each row of course entries. Step 3 – Click to read the course requirements such as Pre-requisite, Co-requisite and Target Students Step 4 – Click the radio button next to your preference Step 5 – Click ‘1st’ / ‘2nd’ / ‘3rd’ to select Step 6– Click ‘Back’ when finish
If you need to take a total of 2 to 3 courses, then you have to repeat steps 1 – 6 to complete the 2nd record. If this course is taken to replace the same failed/unsatisfactory course in this term, please indicate the failed course under the column “Replaced Course”. If you would like to replace the failed elective course with another course, please seek approval from Graduate School via the Programme.
After you have input all course preferences, click ‘Submit’ button and the System will perform validation checking for you.
The system will perform preference validation.
An error message box will appear if your input cannot pass the checking. You will need to modify your course preferences and submit again.
Validation and Confirmation message.
Your input has been successfully saved and this is the record of your course preferences. You can sign-out now. You may further modify your course choices at a later time during the timeslot assigned.