Author: Rakhimzhanova Akmaral
Introduce concept of active teaching Demonstrate techniques & activities Incorporate active learning into your future teaching
Embodies essence of the Renaissance ‘Rebirth’ of learning Thinking outside the box Ideas Discovery Experiment Change is good
Write down ways that your professors taught you Effective methods Ineffective methods
What are some ways you learn best now as a scientist?
Time of class (min) % Retained lecture active teachning
students solve problems, answer questions, formulate questions of their own, discuss, explain, debate, or brainstorm during class ActiveTeaching Problem- Based Learning Cooperative Learning Learn By Doing Inquiry-based learning
Increase student participation Increase student engagement Increase student retention More student ownership in course Less lecturing by instructor More exciting classroom experience Higher level thinking
Plan objectives Include graphics, charts, graphs, etc Plan what you want to annotate Learn students’ names Cue important points Give short activities Give students time to generate questions Have students summarize major points
Dr. Robert Beichner – NCSU ◦ SCALE-UP – researching effectiveness of active learning in physics and chemistry ◦ ◦ Example of SCALE-UP Activity Example of SCALE-UP Activity
Think-pair-share (pair-share) Role playing, simulations Muddiest point/clearest point Group quizzing Generate lists Cooperative learning Minute papers and writing assignments PBL and case studies Concept maps
Provide one figure/table to each student group Propose a title for the paper Delete abstract and have students write a summary
Case Studies
What are your concerns about using active teaching activities & techniques?
Describe to the students what is happening and why State expectations Incorporate assessments with activities Start off simple (low risk) Ask questions, walk around classroom, be attentive to student questions Have students rely on each other
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (case study collection): tml Problem Based Learning (U of Delaware): MERLOT – (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching Journals of Interest: Innovate: CBE Life Science Education – Journal of College Science Teaching – Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education –
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