Conference Travel Claims Educational Materials Educational Courses A Reimbursement How-To Title of presentation
Conferences Residents are entitled to five days of conference leave per academic year. Conference leave requests are made in Ventis and approved by the Program. We need 8 weeks’ notice prior to the start of the rotation in which the conference takes place. Travel related to research requires the approval of the Research Director.
Resident Travel Expense Policy The Resident Travel Expense Policy outlines the eligibility criteria, procedures and guidelines for travel reimbursement. Residents may be reimbursed to a total of $2000 per year, including: Expenses related to conference travel (airfare, accommodations, meals, etc.) Educational Materials (textbooks, software) Educational Courses (pre-approved by Program Director and/or Department Head) In addition, research conference travel may be eligible for an additional $2000 (generally, once only in your residency).
Allowable Expenses Related to Conference Travel Reasonable Accommodation from the day before a conference up to the last day of the conference room service, telephone, internet and other misc. charges will not be reimbursed Airfare Economy airfare may be booked using Carlson Wagonlit Travel Conference Registration Fee
Transportation Return trip from airport (local and conference destination); expense should be equivalent to regular taxi fare Mileage no more than the cost of economy airfare Meals the University’s Maximum Per Diem Allowance (receipts not required), less meals included in the event Per Diem = $50/Day in Canada; $60/Day Outside Canada
Allowable Expenses Related to Educational Materials Text books Computer Software (but not equipment)
Allowable Expenses Related to Educational Courses Must be pre-approved by the Program Director and/or Department Head and related to Emergency Medicine
What to Do…
Request Conference Leave in Ventis. Conference Leave will be approved in Ventis by the Program Assistant once reviewed by the Program Director.
Contact the Program Assistant Contact the Program Assistant* for a unique RN number which you will need to submit your claim form. *Ann Marie at 204-977-5664 *CCFP-EMs: You can apply to Family Medicine for $250 funding for your conference (complete at least 4 weeks in advance of your conference):
Fill out the Travel Request Form found on our departmental website.
Sign and date the form and forward to annmarie. aldighieri@umanitoba Sign and date the form and forward to Ann Marie will have it signed and dated by the Program Director, complete the FOAP information (required for booking airfare), and return the form to you.
Carlson Wagonlit Travel Book your airfare. You will need you RN number and the FOAP to book through the University provider: Carlson Wagonlit Travel 1-866-855-9850 Email your confirmed itinerary to Ann Marie.
After the Conference…
Complete Sections A, B, D on the Travel & Business Claim Form Collect all your original receipts: boarding passes taxi receipts proof of conference registration …and itemize your expenses on this form.
Sign section F of the Travel & Business Claim Form. Forward to Ann Marie with: Your original receipts, itinerary. Please make sure receipts have the vendor’s address, are dated and itemized if necessary. A copy of your Conference Agenda. File a claim for reimbursement within 2 weeks of your return.
Research Reimbursement Residents may receive $1000 should they be accepted to present their abstract at a conference. An additional $1000 is available if the resident completes and submits a draft manuscript to the Research Committee for approval within one year. Contact Vanessa Perinot, 204-318-5295 for assistance.
There’s more…
PGME Research Support PGME supports residents that present an abstract, poster or oral presentation at a conference once per academic year up to $1000 (and matched by the Department). A letter requesting funding must be sent to Dr. Cliff Yaffe in the PGME office PRIOR to the conference for pre-approval. Along with the letter of request, the Pre Authorization Travel Form must also be completed and submitted with the request for funding letter.
After the conference, you are filling out the Travel & Business Claim Form again (with receipts, signature, etc.). This is forwarded to Vanessa Perinot, DEM Research Assistant.
Research and Research Reimbursement: Vanessa Perinot 204-318-5295 This presentation, complete with links to relevant forms and email addresses is on our DEM website, under Forms. FRCP and CCFP Program Assistance (including travel claims and claims related to educational materials and courses): Ann Marie Aldighieri 204-977-5664 Research and Research Reimbursement: Vanessa Perinot 204-318-5295 Department of Emergency Medicine NA617, 700 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3E 0T2
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