Meghan Watson Moore Traditional School 3rd period 2014-2015 Ice massage therapy Meghan Watson Moore Traditional School 3rd period 2014-2015
Why use ice massage therapy? For patients experiencing back pain, ice massage therapy is quick, free, and easy to do. It can provide significant relief for many types of back pain, and especially effective for a sore back caused by lower back muscle strain. Ice massage therapy is most effective if it is applied as soon as possible after the injury occurs, usually within 24 to 48 hours
How Ice Massage Works to Relieve Pain Ice application slows the inflammation and swelling that occurs after injury. Most back pain is accompanied by some type of inflammation, and addressing the inflammation helps reduce the pain Ice application slows the nerve impulses in the area, which interrupts the pain-spasm reaction between the nerves Icing decreases tissue damage
Resources: pain-relief 6&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Noj0VPXDHIW_ggTP8IKQDw&ved=0CAYQ_A UoAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=mCLiTQZNzU- age%252Frollerice.html%3B337%3B253