ELPA21 Test Administration


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ELPA21 Test Administration For Coordinators and Test Administrators This supplemental slide deck was developed by Vancouver SD and permission granted for modification and use by District Test Coordinators. This additional training material covers test administration protocols and security, and should be augmented as needed and appropriate for your local school district. January 30, 2017

Overview of Assessment ELPA21 – English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century This test is required for K-12 students who qualify as English language learners. ELPA21 Assessments are administered online. Students in grades K and 1 will also take a paper-pencil Writing Supplement. ELPA21 is also available as large print, Braille, or a paper version (IEP required). NEW: The ELPA21 is four separate tests (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) Student settings are flagged in TIDE and need to be verified prior to starting the students testing session. Headphones need to be plugged in before starting the Secured Web Browser – If using dual plug headphones, the single jack is for laptops. If using a desktop, disconnect the single jack adapter, and use the two jacks to connect to the PC. Students can skip questions and go back to questions until they SUBMIT their answers. Students will be asked if they want to review answers prior to submitting. When a test is paused, the student will be able to view and change answers to questions in the current test. This ELPA21 Assessments are required for K-12 students who qualify as English language learners. These assessments are administered using an online platform. However, students in Kindergarten and First Grade will also take a paper-pencil Writing Supplement. Accommodated forms are available as large print and Braille. There also is a paper-pencil version for students with an IEP stating paper as the method for testing. Notify your DC if any of these forms are needed. New this 2016-17 school year, the ELPA21 is separated into four tests, including the Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The TAM has been modified and reposted to support these separate administrations of each test. All student settings are flagged in TIDE. It is highly recommended to verify settings prior to beginning testing sessions. If a setting needs to be changed, DO NOT begin testing the students, notify your School Coordinator to make the update in TIDE and then begin the testing session for that student. Headphones need to be plugged in before starting the Secured Web Browser. Students may skip questions and go back to the questions until the test is submitted. There are multiple warning messages that the TA will walk the students through to confirm the student is ready to submit their test. Click || to pause an individual student’s test. If a student’s test is paused, the student will be able to view and change answers to questions in the current test, upon returning to the current session. The student cannot access previous tests once they have been submitted.

Testing Schedules Uniform administration of state assessments ensures that all students are fairly assessed Allow 15-20 minutes for TA’s set up, reading directions, and plugging in headsets Staff can log in K-2 students for them if needed. Just make sure you log in within the 30 minute time-out period There are no pause rules within an ELPA21 test…only the 30 minute inactivity rule Tests are untimed, but each individual test should be completed in the same day. Be sure to document attendance and makeup testers. K-1 Paper-Pencil Writing Supplement is to be after the Online Writing test. All testing schedules are required to be approved by your DC. Scheduling should allow an additional 15-20 minutes for TA activities such as plugging in the headsets, reading directions, passing out test tickets, if they are being used. TAs can log in K-2 students for them, if needed. Remember that there is a 30 minute timeout rule, so login must be completed prior to that. The ELPA21 assessment does not have a pause limit, however, after 30 minutes of inactivity the session will be closed and the student will need to log back into the current test session. If the TAs computer is inactive for 30 minutes, they will be required to create a new Test Session ID and have the students log back in to their tests. The ELPA21 Assessments are untimed. With the exception of extended testers or unique unforeseen circumstances, each individual test (domain) should be completed by the student the same day it started. For the ELPA21 Assessments, one or more tests may be administered in a single day. Attendance procedures – prepare for makeups and keep an annotated roster. Use the Plan and Manage tool to identify students who still need to complete testing. The K-1 Writing Supplement is to be administered after the Online Writing test. All testing schedules must be approved by the District Test Coordinator.

ELPA21 Approximate Test Times APPROXIMATE TESTING TIMES Estimated ELPA21 Annual test times for grade-bands K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12 are based on feedback from the field test. Actual times will vary dependent upon variables specific to your district. All ELPA21 tests combined should take a little over one hour to administer for lower grade bands, and up to two hours for the highest grade bands. These approximate times are for student work time only. Therefore, allow an additional 15–20 minutes to pass out test tickets, set up headphones, read directions, and perform other testing activities. This is not a timed test and provisions should be made for students who may need additional time. The ELPA21 for 2017 is divided into four tests (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking), each of which are administered in a separate session. TAM pg 4

Security, Policies, & Responsibilities RCW 28A.635.040, RCW 42.56.250, WAC 181-87-060 State Laws Governing Test Security All secure test materials are confidential. No part of test material may be reproduced or transmitted. Generally Recognized Standards and Code of Conduct Provides penalties for unauthorized use/disclosure of test content and flagrant disregard of generally recognized professional standards in test preparation and administration. Complete rules and regulations at: www.k12.wa.us/ProfPractices/CodeConduct.aspx Unprofessional Conduct must be reported to OPP at (360) 725-6130. Who is authorized to be in the room Trained Test Administrators (contracted personnel only- no volunteers). TAs administering the ELPA21 should have experience with English language learners (ELLs) Other adults including teachers who are not administering the tests should not be in the testing environment No media It is important to become familiar with the requirements around state testing. All staff overseeing or assisting with the preparation, administration, or test material handling must become familiar with the schools test security and building plan. Staff are also required to review the Professional Standards and Security, Incident, and Reporting Guidelines that are posted to the WCAP Portal. TAM pg 1-2

Securing Test Materials Test content, booklets, Listening Scripts, Writing Supplements, DFAs, and other ancillary materials must be secured and accounted for when not in use Electronic Devices Student electronic devices must be turned off and moved away from the students reach, along with backpacks, etc. All Test Session Tickets must be collected and secured after each session as stated in your school’s Test Security and Building Plan. These will be turned into the Assessment office after all testing is complete All Scratch Paper (for paper-pencil tests ONLY, such as Large Print and Braille) and Tool Button Sheets must be accounted for, collected, and secured after each session. Download the Scratch paper log from the WCAP Portal, under the ELPA21 User Card. Scratch paper is to be securely shred after testing is complete. Use the Scratch Paper Check-Out Log to help keep track of materials handed out and checked back in. All test content, including, but not limited to, test booklets, listening scripts, Writing Supplements, DFAs, online test content, and other ancillary materials be accounted for and secured. All Scratch Paper (for paper/pencil tests ONLY, such as Large Print and Braille) must be collected and secured after each session as stated in your school’s Test Security and Building Plan. Non-approved electronic devices must be turned off and moved away from students reach. This includes all bags, backpacks, purses, etc. Test tickets, if used, are to be considered secure and must be processed accordingly. Scratch paper used for paper-pencil tests, must be accounted for, collected, and securely destroyed. The Scratch paper log is available for download from the ELPA21 User Card on the WCAP Portal. TAM pg 1-2

TA Responsibilities Read the GTSA, PIRG, TAM (located on the WCAP Portal under the ELPA21 section) and the DFA (included in test material shipment) TIP: Save to desktop for quick searches. It is important that TAs understand what support is permitted during a test session. Have a student roster with accommodations/supports noted to ensure students are assigned the correct online tests and supports. Do not approve a students test if not correct. Receive Testing Materials/Session Tickets no earlier than just prior to the start of testing. Keep Test Session Tickets secure and accounted for at all times. Only trained TAs are allowed to handle Test Session Tickets and test materials. Verify that the necessary materials for each test are available (i.e., headsets, tickets) K-1: Verify each student has a test booklet with a printed student ID label. Work with your SC promptly to properly identify any booklet that has not been correctly labeled. Check out the test booklet to the student. K-1 Paper/Pencil Writing test is to be administered after the Online Writing test. Ensure that all materials are accounted for. Review the Guidelines on Tools, Supports, and Accommodations to become familiar with the allowed tools, supports, and accommodations for each test. Review the and the Professional Standards and Security, Incident, Reporting Guidelines for a list of user roles and responsibilities, including chain of custody of materials. The Test Administration Manual and Directions for Administration manual provide TA instructions and scripted SAY boxes that will be read to students. TIP: save TAM, PIRG, & GTSA as a PDF to your desktop to search for topics/questions, link to OSPI documents Follow your schools Test Security and Building Plan for chain of custody of testing materials. Verify that the required materials are available prior to beginning a test session. When administering the Kindergarten and first grade Writing Supplement, verify each student has a test booklet with a printed student ID label. Work with your SC promptly to properly identify any booklet that has not been correctly labeled. Check out the test booklet to the student and check it back in after testing concludes. The consortium highly recommends the administration of the Writing Supplement to take place after the online writing test. All materials must be checked out to students and checked back in prior to releasing students from the testing session. TAM pg 2

TA Preparation for Testing Complete Test Administrator Training Complete Test Administrator Certification, if required by your district Confirm your access to TIDE Participate in the ELPA21 Training Test and be sure students have participated at least once Review your Test Security and Building Plan Supports, Tools, Accommodations and Manipulatives not listed in the GTSA are not allowed Additional resources are available on the WCAP Portal under the ELPA21 section, http://wa.portal.airast.org/resources/?section=5 Completion of training is required prior to administering the ELPA21 assessments. Confirm that you have access to TIDE. Become familiar with your Test Security and Building Plan. Supports, tools, and accommodations not listed in the GTSA or the Materials Available for Student Access are not allowed. Contact your

Setting up the Testing Environment All posters, activities, and other instructional materials have been covered or removed Post a “Testing—Do Not Disturb” Sign Arrange students for purpose of testing. Keep in mind students will be speaking out loud for a portion of the test. TA’s are trained to deal with student questions appropriately: “I can’t help you with your test” “Always try your best.” “Read the question again” “Think about what the question is asking you to do” Ensure that all testing locations have been cleared of materials such as posters, activities, or other instructional materials. Retaining materials within the testing location may invalidate a students test results. It is recommended to post Testing—Do Not Disturb signs at each testing location to eliminate disruption to testing. Verify seating arrangements to ensure optimal testing. TAs must be prepared to address students when they ask for assistance. TAs can say: “I can’t help you with your test” “Always try your best.” “Read the question again” “Think about what the question is asking you to do” If needed, review again the “Providing Help During Administration of Training Tests and Operational Assessments” section, on page 5, of the TAM.

Recordings and Replays For the 2017 administration, the system is unable to limit the number of recording and replays for student access. TAs are required to instruct students that the recording and replays should only be used two times. Speaking domain, only: Listening domain, only: The ELPA21 Consortium created the replay to be limited to two times. As an accommodation, students are permitted unlimited recordings and replays. Students may see a Warning box telling them that their recording may be too soft. Refer to page 6 of the TAM for instructions. GTSA page 32 – Accommodation Embedded for Recordings and Replays: The ELPA21 Consortium created the recordings to be limited to two times. The accommodated version of this is unlimited recordings per/the student’s IEP. Students who do not have this feature as an accommodation are limited to two recordings and replays during the speaking and listening domains (as delineated in the testing directions). The TAM, student script, will have TAs share this information with students. Students are monitored by TAs, as able, for the number of times this is used. As an accommodation this feature is available in unlimited fashion as follows: Unlimited re-recordings: the student is able to re-record answers in the speaking domain an unlimited number of times Unlimited replays: the student is able to replay items in the listening domain an unlimited number of times. When students are recording, they may see a Warning box appear when they click the stop button to end their recording. This box warns that the audio recording might be too soft, and directs students to listen to their recording and re-record, if needed. Refer to page 6 of the TAM for complete instructions on restrictions to support and for troubleshooting. TAM pg 6 GTSA pg 32

Testing Incidents If a testing incident occurs, do what you can to correct the situation and have the student continue testing. Note which segment and question student was on at the time of the incident. Must be reported to your SC as soon as reasonably possible, but no later than the end-of-day. SC to report to the DC by the end-of-day. Cell phones use is investigated asap to ensure there was not any testing information transmitted via text, photos, etc. Otherwise, students test may be invalidated. Please be diligent in your test administration as incidents will be reported. Review the Professional Standards and Security, Incident, Reporting Guidelines, as well as your districts protocols for identifying, processing, and reporting incidents before, during, and after testing. Cell phone use should be addressed right away to ensure security of test content and validity of student test results.

ELPA21 Data Entry Interface (DEI) Students taking the test in Large Print/Braille will have their booklets transcribed in the Data Entry Interface (DEI) for scoring. A training module for DEI is located on the WCAP Portal, ELPA21, Modules-Applications and Systems. Students taking the test in Large Print or Braille will have their test booklets transcribed in the Data Entry Interface (DEI) for scoring. The DEI is available on the WCAP Portal in the same location as TIDE. A training module for DEI is located on the WCAP Portal, ELPA21, Modules- Applications and Systems. In order for students scores to be reported, the results must be entered in to the DEI for scoring.

SCs - Things To Do Add TAs in Manage Users in TIDE Take the TA Certification, if required Identify students needing large print, Braille or paper versions of the ELPA21 test per/the IEP/504 Identify computers to be used and ensure that the secure browser has been loaded Ensure headphone/microphone units are in good working order and ready for use Make sure appropriate staff and students participate in the ELPA21 Training Test Identify Tool, Support, and Accommodation needs using the GTSA Incorporate ELPA21 into your 2016-17 school test security plan Submit testing schedules to your DC for approval Review ELPA21 manuals, GTSA, and PIRG located on the ELPA21 User Card of the Portal Provide TA training to staff that will be administering and/or supporting ELPA21, including techs, etc Fill out and/or collect all testing documentation to be returned to the DC after testing This slide provides a Things To Do list for School Coordinators in support of tasks that need to be completed prior to beginning ELPA21 testing.

Forms Due After Testing is Complete School: _____________________ Administration: ______________________ Date Due: ___/___/_____ SCHOOL RECORDS ____ School/Site Administration & Security Report (signed by principal) ____ Test Proctor/Administrator/Staff Training Log(s) ____ Test Security Assurance Form(s) (signed by each TA) ____ Test Question Ambiguity Form(s) ____ Inventory log of materials returned (notation of missing materials) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO CONSIDER ____ Copy of approved school schedule ____ Tools, supports, accommodation use log Example This is an example of a document that districts can share with school staff for ensuring that the appropriate forms are returned on schedule to the district.

ELPA21 and Alternate Access (WIDA) Alternate-ACCESS – 1% English Language Proficiency Assessment OSPI is actively engaged with the organization World-class Instructional Design and Assessment, more commonly known in shorthand as WIDA, to provide English language proficiency assessments specific for the portion of the English learner (EL) population also identified with significant cognitive disabilities. This effort is intended to provide an analogous instrument for English language proficiency testing that WA-AIM provides for the testing of academic content. The name of this specific test instrument is the Alternate ACCESS. Expected testing window –Tentatively slated as March 6 – 30. More than likely these are the same students who will be participating in WA-AIM. This is a paper test with no online components. If students are not flagged during the initial pre-Id process than an additional booklet will need to be ordered and the demographic page hand bubbled. OSPI is actively engaged with the organization World-class Instructional Design and Assessment, more commonly known in shorthand as WIDA, to provide English language proficiency assessments specific for the portion of the English learner (EL) population also identified with significant cognitive disabilities. Access to the WIDA instrument, Alternate ACCESS, will not be available for student use when the ELPA21 window commences. The Alternate ACCESS window is tentatively set for March 6 through March 30. Many, if not most, of these students will likely be participating in the WA-AIM assessment. The Alternate ACCESS is a paper-pencil assessment. There are no online components. The Alternate ACCESS is available to students in grades 1 – 12. At this time the consortium does not have a Kindergarten test available. Since the window was short, an additional order window will open to order tests for students who were not pre-ID’ed.

Revision Log Updates made to this slide deck after the post date of January 30, will be noted below. Slide Section Description of Revision Revision Date Any updates make to this slide deck after January 30, 2017 will be identified on this Revision Log slide.