Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees For classified Employee with regular schedules and with shift differentials Payroll will default the standard hours based on Form 3 Department need to notify Payroll on latest Form 3 changes immediately No impact to employees in department - still sign-in/sign-out Departments are responsible for keeping in/out logs and timesheets at their site for 2 full calendar years Payroll will perform on-site audits to ensure compliance Assign department time clerk to enter and approve ‘ Exception Time ’
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees Use of available ‘ Exception Time’ Earn code: (available as of 3/1/07) AWL-Leave w/o Pay BER-Bereavement Pay BTO-Bonus Paid Time Off CTP-Comp Time Paid FHP-Floating Holiday Pay JUR-Jury Duty PLL-Personal Leave w/o Pay PTP-Parent Teacher Leave w/ Pay RWW-Reduced Work Week Pay S08-Shift 2 w/ Premium Pay SLL-Sick Leave w/o Pay SPP-Sick Leave w/ Pay VAC-Vacation Pay
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees -Department time clerk / entry person will use PHATIME in Banner to post ‘ Exception Time ’ for each employee in the department If time entry person does not have access to Banner Payroll, please fill out an ‘ITS – Request for computer account form’ Check ‘Payroll’ box and put in ‘PHATIME and Web4’ in the ‘Additional Information/Requested:’ column Get approval and signature from your department head Submit it to Anne Morris, CCSF Security Administrator at ‘ITS, Batmale Hall, Room 133’
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees - Cutoff time in general for all time entry is following Monday at noon, unless otherwise notify by payroll due to holidays or school breaks - Time entry person also perform the approval of timesheets on PHATIME - Time entry person needs to setup proxy / proxies in Web4
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees - Status driven process. Status goes from: 1.‘Not Started’ – timesheets has not been extracted for the pay period 2.‘All’ – which included ‘In Progress’, ‘Approved’, and ‘Completed’ statuses -‘In Progress’ – time entry person is currently in the process of entering time -‘Approved’ – time sheet for individual employees has been approved -‘Completed’ – timesheets has been processed by payroll
FOAPAL Changes Departments do not have the capability to change FOAPAL numbers where individual employees are charged at the department level. Permanent FOAPAL Changes: To make a permanent FOPAL number change, a department should submit a form 3 (for classified employees) to the District Budget office. Please allow 2 weeks for processing.
FOAPAL Changes Temporary FOAPAL Changes: To change a FOPAL number or the percentage distribution of multiple FOAPAL numbers, send a paper copy of the departmental time entry sheet with FOAPAL numbers and percentages to the District Grants Office.
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees 1.Open an internet browser 2.Go to Click on ‘Banner INB Production’ in Red 4.Click on one of the 2 available INB servers 5.Log in with your Banner Username and password 4
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees 1.Enter ‘PHATIME’ in the Go To… box 1
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees To enter hours 1.Enter your Organization number 2.First time only, select ‘Not Started’ 3.Enter appropriate Year, ‘BW’ for bi-weekly classified payroll, and your pay period 4.Hit Ctrl & Page Down key, or use Block/Next on menu bar, or use ‘Next Block’ icon on the icon bar 5.A dialog box will open asking if you like to extract and begin time entry for pay period - click ‘Yes’ to start time entry
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees 1.It will tell you a number of records has been extracted successfully 2.You will see the name of the first person on the list in the 2 nd block (Jobs block) 3.Use Ctrl & Page Down key, or use Block/Next on menu bar, or use ‘Next Block’ icon on the icon bar to navigate between blocks 4.While in 2 nd (Jobs) and 3 rd (Time Entry) block, use up and down arrow keys and tab key to navigate between employees and their time records 2 1 st block 2 nd block 3 rd block 3
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees 1.Use Ctrl & Page Down key to go from 2 nd to 3 rd block 2.In 3 rd block, enter exception earn code and their corresponding hours 3.You can access all available ‘Exception Earn Code’ by clicking the dropdown button below Time Entry Earn 4.Select an exception earn code from the list and start entering hours in the days that hours were taken 5.Remember to use F10 key or Save icon on the icon bar or File / Save on the Menu bar to ‘Save the entry’ 1 st block 2nd block 3rd block 5 3 4
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees Override Labor Distribution 1.You can also override labor distribution in PHATIME 2.To override FOPAL, make sure your cursor is at the hour entry that you want to override 3.Go to menu bar, click on Options / “View or Override Labor Distribution” 3 2
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees Override Labor Distribution 1.Enter the override FOPAL 2.Split the exception hours equally and accordingly 3.Always remember to hit F10 key to ‘Save’ your work 1 2
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees 1 Run YDEPTHRS report 1.Enter ‘YDEPTHRS’ in Go To… box 2.Time entry person can use this to monitor their progress and should print a final copy to file it with the original IN/OUT employee time records 3.All original IN/OUT time records are required by law to be kept at each department for up to 3 years for audit purposes
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees Run YDEPTHRS report 1.Use Ctrl-Page Down to navigate to the 2 nd block and enter Printer name 2.Go to the 3 rd block and enter appropriate parameters in Year, Pict Code (Pay ID), Pay No, and Orgn information 3.Go to 4 th block and check ‘Save Parameter’, and hit F10 key to save and submit job 1 st block 2 nd block 3 rd block 4 th block 3 1 2
Department Time Entry of ‘Exception hours’ for Classified Employees Run YDEPTHRS report 1.Report shows you the status of employee’s exception hours by earn code reported for the pay period 2.Notice the status, it goes from: ‘I’ – In progress ‘A’ – Approved ‘C’ – Completed 3rd block 2