Dispelling the Myths about Member Fracture


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Presentation transcript:

Dispelling the Myths about Member Fracture

It’s the fear that lurks in the back of every man’s mind: The painful problem of member fracture. Horror stories abound of men who were simply enjoying a little bit of sensual congress with a partner only to suddenly find themselves in agony, thinking only of how long it will take to get to the emergency room. Most male organ problems can be eased with good manhood care, but a member fracture is an entirely different beast – it happens quickly, without warning, and must be addressed immediately to avoid long-term damage.manhood care But how does member fracture happen, considering that there is actually no bone in the manhood? And does it mean that a man’s sensual life is over for good? Here are some of the myths about member fracture and the truth about the matter.

1) Member fracture only happens to younger men. Though younger men might be more at risk for member fracture because they might be more adventurous in bed, don’t rule out the risk for older men as well. Member fractures can happen to anyone, no matter their age. It has nothing to do with the age of a man, but rather, the angle at which the manhood pushes against something unyielding, like a pelvic bone.

2) Member fracture always brings immediate pain. Not necessarily. Though many member fractures are severe enough to cause instantaneous pain, some are mild enough that they don’t lead to pain within seconds – rather, a man will feel discomfort that gets worse and worse. If a man is in severe pain an hour later, he shouldn’t discount the possibility of a member fracture. It’s also important to remember that while some member fractures can happen with a loud ‘popping’ sound, sometimes that sound is not present or isn’t noticed in the heat of the moment.

3) Member fracture requires surgery. This is true, unfortunately. It’s because of where the fracture usually occurs. Obviously there is no bone in the manhood; however, the manhood gets hard through blood flow into the corpora cavernosa, two spongy areas of tissue on either side of the male organ. The membrane surrounding these areas is called the tunica albuginea. It’s that membrane that breaks during a member fracture. In order to fix the problem, a physician will make an incision in the manhood to repair the membrane.

4) It only occurs in the woman on top position. Though this is the most common way a member fracture occurs, the truth is that the fractures can happen in a variety of situations. They can even occur when a man is vigorously self-pleasuring and his hand happens to land the wrong way around the shaft! Of course, it can also happen as the result of trauma, such as during contact sports. 5) A member fracture will never heal properly. Fractures can heal well as long as a man gets immediate attention. However, he might be at risk for Peyronie’s disease, where the male organ bends at an extreme angle. That’s why it’s so important to not only get immediate care, but also to keep up with all follow-up care recommended by the surgeon or physician.

As a man’s member is healing from member fracture – or as he is dealing with any other male organ problems – he needs all the help he can get. That means a man should reach for a daily manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). He should look for a crème that includes a wealth of vitamins and nutrients designed for healthy skin and healing, such as vitamin D and C for skin care, vitamin A for bacteria fighting and Shea butter for the smoothest, most supple skin imaginable. A guy should also look for amino acids like L-arginine for better blood flow and L-carnitine to help protect the delicate nerve endings of the member.manhood health crème