Web design is referred to presenting the content on web browsers A web page contain some information’s which are rendered through markup languages like:- HTML HTML is the most important element in web site deign. Because HTML render our contents on the web browser’s
Languages for web design web design There are several kinds of languages using for web designing Some of those are :- Html CSS
HTML( Hyper text markup language) HTML is most useful language in web design. It is use to render the content on web browser HTML stands for “hyper text markup language” in which hyper text refers to a text which has a link for another page or content and markup means to structure of contents on web page
Html Elements There are two types of elements in html Block level elements A block level element contains the full width oaf an web page and start with new line. Inline elements An inline element contain space only where they exist in the page.
Tables in HTML The HTML tables allow web authors to arrange data like text, images, links, other tables, etc. into rows and columns of cells. The HTML tables are created using the tag in which the tag is used to create table rows and tag is used to create data cells.
Html forms A html form contains form elements. Forms are basically use to submit user’s data on the database by using some methods “GET” and “POST”
Tags of HTML HTML tags are the hidden keywords within a web page that define how your web browser must format and display the content. Most tags must have two parts, an opening and a closing part. For example, is the opening tag and is the closing tag.
CSS (Cascading Stylesheet) CSS stands for cascading style sheet. CSS is use to style the simple HTML contents like font-style, color, back-ground- color, positioning of a element and much more thing that we ca do with CSS
Types of stylesheet Inline stylesheet An inline stylesheet are declare in the opening tag of the specific element. Internal stylesheet An internal stylesheet is declare within the HTML document section between External stylesheet External stylesheet are some text file whose are saves by the extension name “style.css” external style is most useable then any of them. There are three types of stylesheet in CSS
CSS selectors A CSS selector is the part of a CSS rule set that actually selects the content you want to style. Let's look at all the different kinds of selectors available, with a brief description of each.
CSS background property The background property is use to set the background-color of a web content like background-color, background-image background- attachment, background-position.
CSS images Images are the important content of any web site. CSS makes it easy to control for display images in our web page.
CSS links CSS provides the freedom to create styled links in many ways. There are four states of links:- a:link (link have URL of other page) a:active (user currently on the link) a:hover (move mouse curser over the link) a:visited (user has visited the link)
CSS position Position property allow the element to alien the content anywhere in the website from top, bottom,left,right, center