Finanacial Planning Tips
Significance of Financial Planning Financial planning implies deciding what to spend, how to spend and how much to spend according to the funds that are available. Financial planning needs to be done by everyone from individuals to large multi- national corporations. The larger the quantum of funds that one is dealing with, the more the effort required to plan its usage appropriately. Financial planning adds tremendous value to the company. In fact, without it no enterprise can function efficiently.
Objectives of Financial Planning Availability of Sufficient Funds: To make sure that sufficient funds are available for meeting day-to-day expenses, purchasing long term assets, and dealing with unforeseen costs. Planning is not only done to make sure that finance is available in a timely manner, but also that the company knows exactly where to raise the money from when it is needed.
Financial Planning Execution ●Sales forecasting ●Projection of the assets required to support sales ●Projection of funds that are generated within the organization ●Identifying the means to raise the funds ●Assessing the effect of plans on financial ratios and stock price
Financial Planning Tips of 2017
1.Maximize your retirement savings 2.Reallocate your investments 3.Don’t forget your estate plan 4.Invest for the long term 5.Capital ownership is key 6.Manage your debt to stay out of debt 7.Talk with loved ones about money 8.Review insurance coverages 9.Education Re-financing 10.Maximize flexible spending accounts
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