Well come To Our Presentation 2
What is Ancient history? History is the description of past times The time beginning before several centuries B.C. till the time of the fifth century is called the Ancient Age. 3
Our Ancient History Lack of evidence to reconstruct our ancient history. Bengal which is now Bangladesh and West Bengal was not a unique or in separated state like present Bangladesh. The ruler of every region ruled their regions according to their own way. Each region were known as JANAPAD Ancient Bangladesh had six janapads, they are: VANGA, PUNDRA, RADHA, GAUDA, SAMATATA and HARIKELA. 4
Maurya Rule king Chandra gupta Maurya established the lordship of Maurya Dynasty on a vast region of India. The departure of Alexander from India in 321 B.C. marks the rise of the Maurya’s The most famous ruler of Maurya’s was Ashoka (269B.C B.C.). During the reign of Emperor Ashoka the Maurya rule was established in North Bengal Ancient Pundranagar was the capital. Besides, north Bengal, Maurya rule was established in Karnasubarno Murshidabad), Tamralipta (Hoogly) and Samatata (South-east Bengal). 6
The Gupta Rule The rise of the Gupta’s (4th century AD) came from the fall of the Mauryas. The expunction of the Gupta empire was under Samudragupta. By the middle of 4 th century many independent states of the Bengal came under Gupta’s rule. The period of the Imperial Guptas is generally considered to be the golden age of Indian history. Bengal enjoyed the benefit of being a part of the All- Indian empire, in which there prevailed Bengal had her due share The discovery of a large number of Gupta coins and imitation Gupta coins in Bengal prove the economic prosperity of the region under the Guptas. 7
The Pala Rule 750A.D A.D. After the period of Anarchy which lasted about 100 years the independent rulers elected a man named GOPALA as their leader thus came the rule of the PALAS. The PALAS ruled over about four centuries. The collapse of the PALA’s came with the rise of the Senas in the third quarter of the 12th century AD. The Pala period is also significant for various achievements in the fields of arts. Such as The Buddhist Vihara architecture attained maturity in the Somapura Mahavihara at Paharpur. 8
The Senas Towards the end of the 12th century AD Vijayasena founded the Sena empire. His forefathers hailed from the Karnata country of the Deccan The Senas held away over Bengal for more than a century ( AD) The Sena rulers were Hindus and their rule is considered to be a period of revival of Hinduism in Bengal. The period saw the development of Sanskrit literature in Bengal. 9
The Dynasties of South Bengal Southeastern Bengal have preserved an independent political entity in the ancient period. The first half of the sixth century AD southeastern Bengal formed an independent kingdom, the kingdom of Vanga. In the second half of the 7th century AD southeastern Bengal saw the emergence of the Khadga kings. In the 9th century AD southeastern Bengal saw the emergence of the kingdom of Harikela. 10