What has FASA done for you lately??
For ensuring that school administrators were included in the salary increase provided in the 2013 state budget… Thank FASA!
For working with Legislative Leadership to guarantee that school leaders will only be evaluated on the students that attend their school… Thank FASA!
When you look at your accrued sick leave that you will be paid for when you retire…. Thank FASA !
When you travel and you are paid per diem that is set by your school district… Thank FASA!
For working to preserve the defined benefit and DROP programs for two years in a row…. Thank FASA!
For securing a needed no vote from conservative Republican Senators to defeat the Parent Trigger bill…TWICE Thank FASA!
For ensuring a veto of SB 6 by Gov. Crist… Thank FASA!
For aiding in the defeat of the amendment to require traditional schools to share limited Capital Outlay Funds… Thank FASA!
For supporting the success of a bill which repealed unnecessary and burdensome requirements for school districts, saving districts time and money… Thank FASA!
For working with Legislators to remove language from a bill that would have required that school districts pay storm water fees, preserving needed funds… Thank FASA!
For killing a proposal by the Senate to require principals to certify in writing whenever an arrest is made… Thank FASA!
For acquiring funding flexibility to allow excess instructional materials money to be used for other purposes… Thank FASA!
For procuring flexibility with the adoption of math textbooks for the next adoption cycle… Thank FASA!
For guaranteeing the creation of a task force to study the transition to digital instructional materials to ensure the conversion is done thoughtfully… Thank FASA!
For ensuring the equal distribution of Workforce Funds… Thank FASA!
For obtaining funds to recognize principals and assistant principals of the year monetarily… Thank FASA!
For protecting your insurance subsidy and COLA benefits … Thank FASA!
For working with Legislators to allow the practice of Co- Enrollment to ensure the success of all students… Thank FASA!
For working with Legislators to develop multiple pathways to graduation, promoting college and career readiness… Thank FASA!
For preserving the integrity of high school athletic programs and their governing body… Thank FASA!
Services Provided by FASA
Professional Development Statewide Conferences Drive-In Meetings Webinars
Representation Among Education Groups Florida Association of District School Superintendents Florida School Boards Association Florida Education Legislative Liaisons State Board of Education Florida Educators Association Florida Parent Teacher Association Department of Education
Information Services FASA Friday Facts Statewide Education Calendar FASA NewsTracker FASA Legalese Statewide Education Directory Online Career Center Social Networking
Political Action FASA contributes $20,000-$25,000 every two years to candidates
Affiliate Assistance Ideas for future… Conference Management Legislative Representation
Price Comparison FEA $600-$800 per year FASA $ 217 per year