The Effects of Sexual Therapy Interventions for Sexual problems
Sex therapy is useful for patients suffering from sexual dysfunction where there is no underlying medical cause or can also be along with the medical treatment for treating the sexual problems in both men and women. Sex therapy is a form of psychotherapy. Sex therapists are the people who help the individuals in overcoming their sexual problems. They help them to regain their active sex life. What is Sex therapy?
The different types of sexual problems faced by men and women that can be treated by sex therapy include Non-consummation Premature ejaculation Erectile dysfunction Low libido Unwanted sexual obsessions Sexual addiction Painful sex Lack of sexual confidence Helping people who are recovering from sexual assault Problems commonly caused by stress, fatigue, and environmental factors Relationship issues Different sexual problems that can be treated by sex therapy
The most common type of sexual disorder faced by men is erectile dysfunction which is commonly termed as ED in medical field. Women experience lack of interest in sex, painful sexual intercourse and lack of orgasm. It is often called as female sexual dysfunction. Common Sexual Disorders in Men and Women
Men with erectile dysfunction had a positive effect with sex therapy alone or they were also benefited by use of medicines like sildenafil citrate (Viagra) or its generic version Caverta and sex therapy when used together. Women with loss of sexual desires and who failed to achieve orgasm also showed significant improvements with the use of sex therapy. It was not fully understood if sexual therapeutic interventions had any effect on gynecological pain in women. There was also improvement in sexual function in women after short sexual therapeutic interventions in women with gynecological cancers. Effects of Sexual therapeutic interventions
For couples suffering from sexual problems there were positive effects with the use of couple therapy which included conflict solving. The people with severe mental illness also showed improvements with sexual therapeutic interventions. Self-help technique which consist of information about sexual issues in written or audio/visual material (bibliotherapy) helped both men and women regardless of their sexual problem. It is unclear if sexual therapy has any effect on men with cancer
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