This presentation uses a free template provided by Business Communication
This presentation uses a free template provided by Business Communication All Questions are Compulsory. Q1.Explain in details the disadvantage of Written Communication. Q2. What are negative gestures which gives negative impressions about the individuals? Q3. An Organization affected with Grape wine illus date its advantage and disadvantage
This presentation uses a free template provided by Q 4. Elements of Communication. Explain responsibility as communicator. Q5. Explain different channel of Informal communication in a informal organization. How relevant is the communication for the MNC companies? Q6. Discuss the role of feedback in communication. Illustrate with example how it contributes to make communication more meaning? Q7. What is a speech? Explain the various styles of speeches.
This presentation uses a free template provided by 8. “Communication is a two-way process” – Explain. OR How does oral communication differ from face-to-face communication?
This presentation uses a free template provided by