Marketing Management
Marketing Management Q1.In what ways do the reference programs create added value for Siebel’s and Sun Microsystems’ B2B customers? Q2.How might the reference programs help Siebel and Sun Microsystems predict demand for their products? Q3.How do you think the global reach of the Internet has affected the youth market at which MTV is aimed? Does this make it more or less difficult to devise programming that crosses borders? Why? Q4.What should MTVNI do to ensure that cultural traditions and varying styles of humor don’t negatively affect any of its new international programming?
Q5.Find an upcoming film that has an official Web site. What feature does the site have? Which ones are designed to deliver information to the public and which are designed to capture information? How successful do you think this site will prove to be as a marketing research tool? Why? Q6.How can filmmakers control the information that appears on the internet? Should they take these steps why or why not? Q7.If Toyota was to broaden its target market for Scion, which segment or segments might the film include? Q8.How would you describe Toyota’s positioning strategy for the Scion?
Q9.One industry consultant argues that cereal companies should be focusing on new-product innovations instead of on ways to repackage the same old products. Do you agree? Why or why not? Support your answer with evidence from the case or from your reading of the chapter. Q10.How can cereal manufactures reposition their brands in light of today’s hectic lifestyles and even changes in eating habits (like carb avoidance as advocated by the Atkins diet)? What would it take for you to perceive dry cereal as a convenient and healthy food? How do you think companies like Kellogg’s could use your answer to persuade the general public