Advertising Dr. Aravind Banakar –
Advertising Case Studies Case (20 Marks) Much has been researched and written about how advertising works and produces its effects, but it is important to appreciate that there are few definitive answers because of the nature of the subject itself. According to exposure and familiarity modle, simply repeated exposure to advertising can develop preferences in the audience. The exposure effect occurs at some preconscious level as a result of pictures, text, or colour in the ads. Another explanation is that repeated exposure to ads creates a feeling of familiarity with the advertised product or service and familiarity leads to favourable evaluation and liking.
Yet another explanation is that consumers view high frequency of advertising or larger size of ads indicator of brand’s quality. Hierarchy models suggest that advertising produces its effects by moving the consumer through a series of steps in a sequence_ from becoming aware to ultimate purchase of product or service. The sequential order suggests that advertising effects are produced over a period of time and that advertising may not produce desired effects immediately. The type of purchase behavior depicted by these models is usually more relevant to high involvement purchases. According to low-involvement learning modle, TV is described as low- involvement medium. Audience have little opportunity to think about any commercial. It is just a fleeting moment in time. The commercial cannot be slowed down or stopped as per the convenience of the audience.
It is believed that frequent repetition of an ad on TV can impart reliability to the product that can build brand preference, Many scholars view consumer involvement as an important variable that can help in explaining message processing and purchase decision by consumers. Consumer involvement could be high or low and its nature may be rational or emotional. Based on this view, Foote, Cone & Belding agency developed an advertising planning model. Kim-Lord grid proposes that consumer may be simultaneously involved rationally and emotionally. The location… of product on Kim –Lord grid can help determining whether the ad copy should be more emotional or rational.Cognitive response model proposes that at the time of exposure to an ad,the thoughts that emerge in consumers mind, called cognitive responses, can be counter-arguments or support arguments and these thought influence consumer’s attitudes positively or negatively.
Answer the following question. Q1. What is the case all about? Q2. What are the advantages of repeated exposure to ads?
Global Study Solutions Dr. Aravind Banakar –