Quantitative Methods


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Presentation transcript:

Quantitative Methods

QUANTITATIVE METHODS Q1) A manufacturer o f baby doll s makes three types o f doll s: Doll A, Doll B, and Doll C Processing o f these doll s i s done on three machines, M1, M2 and M3. Doll A requires 2 hours on ma chine M1 and 3 hours on machine M3.while doll C requires 5 hours on ma chine M2 and 4 hours on machine M3. There a re 8 hours o f time per day available on Ma chine M1, 10 hours o f time available on ma chine M2 and 15 hours o f time per day available on machine M3, The profit gained from doll A i s R s 3 per doll, from doll B is R s 5 per doll and from doll C is R s 4 per doll. What should be the daily production o f each type o f doll s? Which ma chine(s) would be idle ac cording to this plan? By how much? Q2) Write a note on the economic interpretation o f the dual. Q3) Explain the transportation method o f solving a transportation problem. Al so give its schematic.

Q4) What do you understand by an assignment problem ? Give a brief outline for solving it. Q6) Discuss the cu t ting-plane algorithm for solving integer programming problems. Q7) How would you u se Gant t Chart for solving sequencing problem? Why i s i t not employed for solving larger problem ? Q8) What are the relevant costs for inventory decision s? How are they obtained in real life situation s?