What Every Man Needs to Know About Blue Sacks


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Presentation transcript:

What Every Man Needs to Know About Blue Sacks

There has been some debate over the years about blue sacks, the strange phenomenon that afflicts men who get excited but don’t get off in a timely fashion. As member problems go, this is one that can cause heated debate. On one side of the coin, there are those who claim that blue sacks has a detrimental effect on male organ health, and that it should be avoided at all costs. On the flip-side, there are those who dismiss the condition as being just another way for a guy to pressure a partner into going further than they had perhaps intended. So who’s right in this scenario?

What is blue sacks? Blue sacks is the colloquial term for vasocongestion in the pelvic region. Does that sound like a frightening member problem? It’s actually pretty simple. As a man gets excited, more blood rushes to the manhood and surrounding tissue. This strong rush of blood is what allows a man to get and maintain tumescence. The vessels leading to the manhood get a little larger, allowing more blood through, while the vessels leading away become a bit smaller, keeping more blood where it’s needed. When a man releases seed, hormones are released that trigger the body to reverse the process. The blood trapped in the area begins to drain away and a man’s body goes back to normal rather quickly. But when a man doesn’t get release, what happens? Sometimes he gets blue sacks, or that feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the pelvic region. It can be frustrating and annoying, and yes, a little uncomfortable.

Is blue sacks dangerous? Contrary to what men might say when they’re in the throes of passion and really want to go further, having blue sacks won’t cause any long- term damage to a guy’s equipment. Yes, the discomfort is real, and for some men that discomfort might border on pain. But it’s important to remember that the “pain” a man is feeling might be encouraged by psychological factors, especially if he was in the mood to have a frisky time in bed and the partner he chose suddenly decides they aren’t into him after all.

Preventing blue sacks Getting rid of blue sacks is quite easy: It’s as simple as taking matters into one’s own hands. Self-pleasuring is the perfect solution for this particular member problem. Self-gratifying immediately is the best option; a guy can achieve this with a quick trip to the restroom to take care of the problem. If privacy is not immediately available, no worries – a guy can take his mind off the problem by doing something else in the interim, then taking care of blue sacks at the first opportunity. The discomfort might even have dissipated by then. If a man doesn’t have a chance to self-fondle at all, no worries there either. The discomfort will fade away in a short period of time. Though blue sacks can be frustrating, there won’t be any permanent damage that results from waiting for a while to get relief.

Whether a man has blue sacks or not, it pays to keep the manhood in tip- top shape so there are no issues outside of that simple, fleeting discomfort that might result from seed release denial. Avoid member problems by reaching for a high-class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The crème should contain a plethora of ingredients known to help sustain male organ health, such as amino acids for better blood flow and nerve enhancement, alphia lipoic acid to fight free radicals, and a wealth of vitamins to assist in all of the above. A crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E is also recommended, as these ingredients can provide a serious punch of hydration that keeps manhood skin smooth, supple and ready for action.male organ health crème