Rare Member Rash from Lobomycosis
Rashes of the skin are common and often transitory, and that goes for a member rash as well. Often one pops up for a day or two and then goes away, not causing a man any untoward concern for his manhood health. But in some cases a member rash is more persistent, something like jock itch, for example. Indeed, there are numerous causes of member rash, including one which is thankfully rare – something called lobomycosis.
About lobomycosis A Brazilian dermatologist by the name of Jorge Lobo first described lobomycosis (which explains where the “lobo” part of the name comes from). Lobomycosis is a rare disease, and although it can be found anywhere, the vast majority of cases occur in South and Central America. Among native tribes along the Amazon River, it is given an indigenous name which roughly translates as “that which burns” – which is an unfortunate indicator of just how comfortable lobomycosis can be. Lobomycosis is a fungal infection, and the fungus that produces it is found primarily in the tropical regions of Latin America – which is why the disease is much less common outside of that zone. The fungus is found in both soil and vegetation, but it is also found in water. Surprisingly, other than humans, the only species which has ever exhibited signs of infection are dolphins.
It is theorized that simply brushing up against the fungus is rarely enough to bring about the infection. Usually, the infection comes when the fungus enters the body – for example, if a man has a wound, or perhaps through ingestion of fungal-infected water (although the latter is not well documented). Lobomycosis presents initially as a small rash, in the form of papules or lesions, which may itch or burn – but which in some cases do neither. It tends to grow and spread slowly, but it can cover a rather large area of skin given enough time.
Lobomycosis most often appears on hands, feet, face or torso – but in the right circumstances, it can appear in the member, presenting as a member rash. It is suspected that in such cases, this may come about from immersion of the member in fungal-infected water or, more rarely, from a man coming into contact with infected soil or vegetation. In either case, the manhood presumably has a cut through which the fungus enters the area and begins to grow. It is also possible that a thorn prick or an insect bite may open up the area for infection.
Treatment Lobomycosis is a rare disorder, especially outside of South and Central America. In most instances, typical anti-fungal creams are ineffective against it; some doctors have reported success with medication known as clofazimine. More often, the lesions need to be removed. This can be done through typical surgical procedures involving cutting them off. It can also be achieved through cryosurgery (freezing them off) or electrosurgery. Once removed, the lesions rarely come back, so this is one member rash that is not generally recurrent.
Lobomycosis (or almost any member rash) may leave manhood skin feeling sore or delicate, even after removal. Regular application of a top notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be a boost in helping the member skin heal more quickly. Since keeping the skin moisturized promotes manhood skin healing, the best option is a crème with a combination of both a high-end emollient (many prefer Shea butter) and a naturally occurring hydrator (such as vitamin E). Male organ skin also benefits from a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This can help to eliminate excess free radicals which can damage the skin by encouraging oxidative stress.male organ health crème