Today we are going to talk about bail bonds and bail. A lot of people are not even familiar about their differences, or what kind of services they provide. We will tell you what you need to know about bail, bail bonds and bail bondsman, if ever a need arises.bail bonds
Bail is the amount of money set by court to be deposited by a suspect, so the suspect can be released from jail or pre-trail custody. Amount for bail depends on a suspect’s criminal history, their crime and other factors. Bail bonds are the type of guarantee that permits a suspect a temporarily release from jail until the conclusion.
Bail bondsman or bond dealer is a person, corporation or an agency that gives funds to release a suspect from jail or pre- trail custody. Even though banks and insurance companies usually gives guarantee in civil cases but in case of any crimes, bail bonds agency cater to the defendant’s need. They work by providing the whole bail amount up front when the defendants do not have the whole amount. In return they charge a non-refundable fee.bail bonds It is usually a bail bondsman responsibility to track down a fugitive defendant if they fail to appear in court on appointed date.
Amount of bail differs and depends on various factors, such as criminal history of the suspect, the crime etc. It could be little amount as a hundred dollars for minor offences or thousands of dollars depending on the crime
Many confuses bail bondsmen with bounty hunters. Bail bondsman tracks the person down if they do not appear on court and runs away from after being released. Bail bondsman do this so they can have their money back. Whereas bounty hunters hunt down the suspects who have bounty on their head by the law.