How to Style Your Craftsman Doors and Windows If you enjoy classic style that has a modern flare, there’s a good ĐhaŶĐe LJou’ll like the ĐraftsŵaŶ stLJle of arĐhiteĐture. If LJou’re haǀiŶg a craftsman window or door installed in your home, there are a few things to keep in mind that will keep these elements looking their best and allow you to show off your personal design aesthetic. WheŶ it Đoŵes to ĐraftsŵaŶ ǁiŶdoǁs, reŵeŵďer that ĐurtaiŶs areŶ’t a ŶeĐessitLJ. The paŶeliŶg is very pronounced, so you may want to allow this to decorate the window instead of adding a window treatment. If so, paint the paneling in a metallic or jewel tone so that it will stand out and draw the eye to the window area. Blinds are an attractive addition to craftsman windows as well, especially if you have a set of two or three windows together. This allows you to maintain your privacy while still showing off the shape and detail of the window. Craftsman doors are great for the entryway of your home and look great with a large patio or porch. Craftsman-style furniture like a porch swing or rocking chair look great near craftsman doors, and you can easily accent the door with a large door knocker or knob to bring the entire look together. If LJour hoŵe’s edžterior is filled ǁith ǁarŵ Đolors, ǀariatioŶs of ďroŶze aŶd gold are ideal for the ĐraftsŵaŶ door. If LJou’ǀe deĐorated the outdoor area of LJour home is adorned in cool shades, silver or platinum accents are best. If you also have craftsman windows that can be seen from the front of your home, choose paneling and borders for your porch that will make the front of your home to look more polished. For iŶstaŶĐe, if LJou’ǀe ĐhoseŶ a pastel shade of green or blue for the siding of your home, a stark shade of tan or beige will add the perfect finishing touch to your outdoor décor. Even though your craftsman doors will look beautiful without much décor, you can still decide to add a small curtain or blinds to the windows that are situated at the top of the door. The window decorations can be in a neutral shade to compliment the rest of the decorative accents around the door. You can also paint the door and use the Đolor as the door’s ŵaiŶ sourĐe of adorŶŵeŶt. For iŶstaŶĐe, if pastels are the theŵe of LJour edžterior, a door iŶ roďiŶ’s egg ďlue or a light shade of LJelloǁ ĐaŶ ŵake LJour hoŵe appear ŵore iŶǀitiŶg. If LJou’re usiŶg jeǁel toŶes to decorate your home, a door in a deep shade like eggplant or ruby adds a touch of elegance to your home. DoŶ’t forget to ŵeet ǁith a ĐoŶtraĐtor ďefore LJou start the proĐess of addiŶg ĐraftsŵaŶ stLJle architecture to your home. This will ensure that you have the right measurements and are selecting the right style for your design needs. Be sure to get an estimate from more than one contractor before making your final choice so that the process will be as quick and affordable as possible. Article Source: ht p:/