Member Pain from Nocturnal Tumescence


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Presentation transcript:

Member Pain from Nocturnal Tumescence

Aside from people with fetishes in this area, no one really enjoys feelings of pain, and men especially tend to avoid anything that causes member pain. Fortunately, careful attention to good male organ health often reduces the chances of unwanted member pain, but there are always exceptions. Certainly, accidents involving the manhood and a zipper can happen, for example. But some men experience a different kind of member pain, one which is related to the tumescence they experience over the course of the night.

SRPEs In recent years, scientists and researchers have identified a condition known as sleep related painful tumescence, or SRPEs for short. Doctors at a clinic in the Netherlands conducted a retrospective study that looked at men who visited the clinic between the years 1996 and 2015 and were diagnosed as having SRPEs. They excluded men who presented with evidence of other conditions which might account for their painful tumescence. For example, men who were diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease, which is often marked by member pain during tumescence, and some intact men whose member pain was related to a swollen head and/or too-tight prepuce were not counted.

So what are the characteristics of SRPEs? Basically, a man who was considered to have SRPE if he experienced tumescences while he slept that were so painful that they woke him from his sleep. (Most of the time, such tumescence occurs during the rapid eye movement, or REM, portion of sleep.) But the firm member pain should be limited to sleeping hours; if a man has pain-free tumescence during the day, he generally is excluded from classification of having SRPE.

The study The study looked at 24 men who fit the criteria. The average time between the onset of the problem and the time they sought help at the clinic was 2 ½ years, indicating that there is some squeamishness about admitting to having this problem. This is not necessarily unusual when it comes to male organ health issues, unfortunately. The number of painful tumescences experienced in the course of a night ranged from 1 to 10, with the median number being 3. In 45% of the men, the tumescence lasted less than 15 minutes; only in 18% did it last for an hour. Male hormone levels did not appear to be unduly higher than normal. In addition to member pain, the men tended to report fatigue due to poor sleep.

Treatments Much is still being learned about SRPE, and doctors are still determining what might be the best treatment method. Many men with SRPE find that urinating or walking around after waking up will cause the tumescence to fade. In terms of preventive treatment, the study found that a particular muscle relaxer seemed to offer significant help, decreasing or eliminating SRPEs in a significant number of the men. However, it does appear that this treatment is effective only while being taken; after discontinuing treatment, SRPEs often return. And there are side effects to the medication which may discourage some men from using it on a continuing basis.

Other medications were used on some patients, with varying results. A larger prospective study is needed to better examine the treatment options and learn more about the pros and cons of each one. Member pain comes from many sources other than nocturnal tumescence, of course. Often, daily application of a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate some of that pain. Find a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), as keeping manhood skin moisturized can often help soothe soreness. The chosen crème should also include pantothenic acid (aka vitamin B5), a vital nutrient required for cell metabolism and maintenance of healthy tissue. male organ health crème