London is the capital city of England. You can travel to London in lots of different ways.
There are lots of interesting places to see in London. This is the Houses of Parliament where lots of important decisions are made.
This is Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives.
This is Tower Bridge. It is over 100 years old. It opens up to let boats through. You can climb the towers to get a good view of London.
This is the Tower of London. It was built as a fortress to protect London.
The crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.
There are also lots of fun things to do in London. You can go on the London Eye and see the whole of London.
You can go to Hamleys, one of the biggest toy shops in the world!
Madame Tussards is a museum of waxwork famous people.
To get around London you can get a bus, a taxi or the tube.