PREPARING FOR AN ABORTION Relieve yourself of the mental and physical burden
MAKING AN ABORTION DECISION Consider your past experiences of pregnancy, abortion or other stress to understand how you react to such situations Give due consideration to all contraindications Make sure you have access to medical services for worst- case scenarios Arrange for a support system and be aware of the various coping mechanisms
TREATING ANXIETY BEFORE THE PILLS Read about how to buy abortion pill from online abortion pill Learn from other people’s abortion experience Think of whether you will need someone around during the procedures Read about how women continue to live a normal life even after abortion Find a way to acknowledge how you feel (like writing about it or talking to an expert)
KNOW WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT Understand how the pills work Know about the common symptoms and their severities Know how long these symptoms can last Know about the possible side effects Know the indications of a complication Know about the signs of a complete abortion ?
TAKE GOOD HEALTH MEASURES Refrain from intake of alcohol and the use of tobacco Bleeding from abortion results in nutrient loss from the body. One must eat healthy foods during and before the process. This includes: Fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals Protein rich foods like healthy meat Iron rich food like like nuts and whole grain foods Engage in relaxation activities like meditation or simply reading
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