Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) -- VA Briefing for OEF/OIF/OND Veterans Jean Langbein, OEF/OIF/OND Program Manager Washington DC VA Medical Center; 202-745-8000, ext 7212 Mandatory Briefing Presentation: Hello, my name is _______________ and I am a Your Job Title Here . I would first like to extend to you from Department of Veterans Affairs (or ‘VA’) Secretary Eric Shinseki his sincere gratitude and appreciation for your service to our country. I would also like to welcome you back home by sharing with you valuable information about VA health care benefits. We are especially proud to have VA health care professionals who are highly trained to address and treat your health care concerns. Most importantly - Welcome to the VA family. 2012
Tell Me About VA Health Care “The Best Care Anywhere” VA operates the largest health care system in the country, with over 1,400 medical centers and clinics across the nation VA health care is portable, so your coverage stays with you if you move or relocate Since your medical records are electronic, they are accessible at any VA facility and online Once you become enrolled, you remain enrolled and you can receive VA’s comprehensive medical benefit package VA operates the largest health care system in the country, with over 1,400 medical centers and clinics across the nation. VA healthcare is portable, so your coverage stays with you if you move or relocate. Since your medical records are electronic, they are accessible to any VA facility (for example, if you need to fill a prescription while on vacation). After receiving your application, VA uses a variety of criteria to determine your eligibility for coverage. Once you become enrolled, you remain enrolled and you receive VA’s comprehensive medical benefit package
5 Years of Cost-Free Health Care for Combat Veterans OEF/OIF combat Veterans can receive cost free medical care for any condition related to your service in the Iraq/Afghanistan theater for 5 years after the date of your discharge or release This includes 5 years (post-discharge) cost-free health care for any injury or illness associated with your combat service After the 5 year period ends, your VA care and treatment will continue At that point, you could be responsible for co-pays that are based on your income and eligibility But first you must enroll into VA health care! Military Veterans, including Reservists and National Guard members, who served in combat since Nov. 11, 1998, including Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, are eligible to receive five years of enhanced enrollment eligibility for VA health care. This includes cost-free health care from VA for conditions that are potentially related to service in your theater of operations. We encourage you to enroll for VA health care now whether you need health care services or not. VA clinicians are specially trained to evaluate combat-related illness or injuries and health concerns. And this enrollment will continue past your post discharge five year period. It’s important for you to know that if you postpone enrolling in the VA health care system after you’ve been out of the military more than five years, your eligibility for enrollment and health services will be the same as for other Veterans and you may be charged a co-pay.
What About Non-Combat Related Conditions? Other Injuries Veterans who have non-combat related or non-service connected illnesses/injuries may be charged a co-pay for these conditions Determined officially by VA For example, flu, colds, auto accident, etc. If treatment is provided for conditions that are clearly unrelated to your service in the theater of combat operations (For example, an auto accident, common flu, broken limb, etc.), you may be assessed a copay for such treatment if you have no other qualifying eligibility criteria. Veterans who have non-combat related or non-service connected (determined officially by VA) related illness/injuries post-deployment may be charged a co-pay for these conditions.
One-time Cost Free Dental Evaluation and Treatment A Time Sensitive Free Benefit VA offers free dental benefits for evaluation and treatment for recently discharged Veterans You may qualify for these benefits if you meet both of the following requirements: You served more than 90 days of continued service, and Your DD214 does not show that you received all needed dental service at least 90 days prior to your separation Note: You must apply for this dental care within 180 days (6 months) of separation from active duty service! Free VA dental benefits are available if you served 90 days or more and your DD 214 does not show that you received all needed dental service at least 90 days prior to your separation. You must apply to VA for this dental care within 180 days (6 months) of separation from active duty. Finally, if you experienced “dental trauma” while in an active duty status, you may be eligible for lifelong dental care associated with this trauma and receive a service connected disability.
What are Some VA Medical Benefits? VA offers: Screening exams for: Depression, Substance Abuse, PTSD, TBI, Military Sexual Trauma, Environmental Exposures Primary Care/Preventive Care Services Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Prescription Services Other limited benefits A dedicated OEF/OIF/OND Case Management team Are you ready to enroll? VA health care includes these services: Primary and Preventive Care Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Prescriptions And some limited benefits for: Ambulance Service Eyeglasses and Hearing Aids Non-VA Care Prosthetics, Durable Medical Equipment and Rehabilitative Devices and Certain Counseling Services Also, there is a dedicated specialized OEF/OIF/OND Case Manager who can work with you. Now, does this sound like a good deal? Are you ready to enroll?
OEF/OIF/OND Care Management Teams Welcome to the VA! At each VA Medical Center there is a dedicated team for OEF/OIF/OND Returning Combat Veterans They can work with you and your family on post combat concerns including: Anxiety Employment Housing GI Bill Marital or readjustment issues Please call 1-877-222-8387 for the number of your local VA Medical Center At each VA Medical Center there is a dedicated team for OEF/OIF/OND returning combat Veterans. Every VA Medical Center has an OEF/OIF/OND Care Management Team ready to welcome new Veterans and help coordinate your care. A Transition Patient Advocate (TPA) can act as a personal advocate as you move throughout the VA healthcare system. This team includes a case manager, with specialized combat training who is assigned to work with each Veteran and family that requires case management support as long as needed. You can call 1-877-222-8387 for the number of your local VA Medical Center, and ask for the OEF/OIF/OND Program Manager.
VA’s Women Veterans Health Program Attention Female Veterans Since 2000, the number of women Veterans seeking VA health care has doubled To meet their needs, each VA medical facility has a Women Veterans Program Manager VA strives to provide the best health care for women Veterans, including: Primary care and preventive health Mental Health Gynecology and Maternity Specialty care VA is equipped to deliver one-stop services in women’s health clinics at many VA medical centers VA is rolling out enhanced primary care for women Veterans across the system For any women Vets in the audience – VA’s Women Veterans program promotes the health, welfare, and dignity of women Veterans and their families by ensuring that timely, equitable, high-quality, comprehensive health care services are provided in a sensitive and safe environment at VA health facilities nationwide. We want to make sure that you receive the best care anywhere, and we want to raise awareness of our responsibility to treat women Veterans with dignity and respect. We strive to deliver the best quality health care for women Veterans, including primary care, preventive health, mental health, reproductive and maternity services, and specialty care. We are equipped to provide one-stop services in women’s health clinics at many VA medical centers, and we are rolling out enhanced primary care for women Veterans across the system. If you want to know more, take a tour of our facilities and see how we are making a difference in the lives and health of women Veterans. We also encourage you to schedule an appointment with the Women Veterans Program Manager prior to your visit.
VA Crisis Line Reaching Out Veterans Crisis Hotline can provide support at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or Give the Lifeline number or website to anyone you know who is exhibiting warning signs VA offers a Veterans Crisis Hotline staffed by trained professionals 24 hours a day to help in an immediate crisis Also online Chat Service where Veterans can have one-to-one conversations with Hotline counselors You can also text to Veterans Crisis Line at 838255 If you are concerned that someone in your life might be considering suicide, watch for the following key warning signs: • Talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself • Trying to get pills, guns, or other means of self-harm • Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide • Exhibiting signs of hopelessness • Exhibiting rage, uncontrolled anger, or desire to seek revenge • Acting in a reckless or risky way • Feeling trapped, as if there is no way out • Saying or feeling that there's no reason for living Remember: The Veterans Crisis Hotline can provide support at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or Give the Lifeline number or website to anyone you know who is exhibiting warning signs.
Homeless Veterans Program Resources for those in need VA offers a variety of resources, programs, and benefits for Veterans who are homeless or who are at risk of becoming homeless Our National Call Center provides free, 24/7 access to trained counselors Our counselors can connect you with resources for housing, health care, food, and other assistance Call 1-877-4AID VET (1-877-424-3838); or Chat live, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week More info: ‘At risk’ Veterans are not homeless yet – they are transitioning out of the military, don’t have plan, couch surfing… If this sounds like someone you might know, have them call the National Call Center for Homeless veterans 1-877-4AID-VET or 1-877-424-3838
Visit for more information VA Job Resources Finding a Job You've served your country, now you are ready for a new challenge. What do you want to do next? Let us help you: Finding and secure a job , including at the VA Browse career opportunities Transfer military to civilian experience on your resume Visit for more information Dept. of Labor’s ‘Gold Card’ program provides unemployed post-9/11 era Veterans with services they need to succeed in today's job market You've served your country, now you are ready for a new challenge. What do you want to do next? Get help finding and securing a job, browse career opportunities, or learn more about working at the VA at these websites Also, the Department of Labor’s ‘Gold Card’ helps provide unemployed post-9/11 era veterans with the intensive and follow-up services they need to succeed in today's job market
What is a Vet Center? What is a Vet Center? A safe and protected place to talk Confidentiality – no stigma Flexible hours Easily accessible community-based setting Network knowledgeable about the resources available Vet Center staff are >65% combat Veterans Veterans serving Veterans All family members are welcome No cost….ever What They Offer You Individual Counseling Group Counseling Military Sexual Trauma Counseling Marital/Family Counseling Bereavement Counseling Drug and Alcohol Referral Liaison with VA and Community Resources Benefits Assistance Referral Community Education and Career Referral You can find the support you need at your local VA Vet Center. If you are a Veteran who has served in any combat zone, you can receive a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services at Vet Centers to help you make a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life. This benefit is prepaid through your military service. There are 300 Vet Centers across the US and surrounding territories. Not sure if you want to go in and see people face-to-face? Want to talk about it first? 1-877-WAR-VETS (927-8387) is an around the clock confidential call center where combat Veterans and their families can call to talk about their military experience or any other issue they are facing in their readjustment to civilian life. The staff is comprised of combat Veterans from several eras as well as families members of combat Veterans. And the family members of all Veterans listed above are eligible for Vet Center services as well.
Connect with us: OEF/OIF Specific Resources VAWelcome Home @VA_OEF_OIF Thank you all. Here are some helpful links for OEF/OIF/OND Veterans.
“Doubts” Video A first-time visitor to a VA Medical Center overcomes doubts about using VA services And now, a very short video I think you will enjoy. The purpose of this 4-minute video called “Doubts” is to reinforce VA’s commitment to customer service. “Doubts” is the story of a recent OIF Veteran who reluctantly comes to the VA expecting a negative experience. To his surprise, he encounters caring employees and customer service that exceeds his expectations. It was contracted out for production and features the VA Medical Center in Los Angeles. And now – Doubts…
Online Portal to Your Veterans Benefits It’s your VA - take advantage of your benefits! Ebenefits is your one-stop shop for benefits-related online tools and information Transfer your education benefits Access online TAP briefing on VA benefits Download your DD 214 Apply for benefits View claim status and benefit payments online Print VA home loan guaranty Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) And now a few words about other VA benefits. First of all - is anyone here already using eBenefits? Well, if not, we suggest you join the one million plus Veterans who have signed up for eBenefits. Listed on the slide are just a few of the benefits they offer. That’s their website or you can just Google the word “eBenefits”.
The GI Bill – Invest in Yourself Education & Job Training Examples: Colleges and Universities Non College Degrees Flight Schools Correspondence Schools On the Job Training & Apprenticeship programs License & Certifications examples: Attorney's License C++ Certification Cosmetology License Certified Safety Professional Approved National Exams examples: SAT ACT GRE LSAT Is anyone interested in going back to school? Well, if you are, VA pays benefits to eligible Veterans, reservists and active duty service members to support your continuing education goals, including payments for: On-the-job training Apprenticeships & also Non-college degree programs Here are some examples of programs that are covered by the GI Bill.
GI Bill - Going Back to School? Learn More Stay Updated If you’d like to learn more about the Post 9/11 GI Bill, please go to their website that’s listed on the slide, or stay updated on their Facebook page. Also, if you Google “GI Bill” it should be the first search result listed.
Are you interested in owning a home? VA Guaranteed Home Loans VA offers guaranteed home loans and refinancing assistance for Veterans Benefits include no down payment, negotiable interest rates and the right to pre-pay with no penalty VA also offers assistance to borrowers in mortgage default due to temporary financial difficulty Special housing grants available for assistance in adapting housing for disabled Veterans To learn more, call: 1-888-244-6711 And lastly, are you interested in owning a home? VA offers guaranteed home loans and refinancing assistance for Veterans. Benefits include no down payment, negotiable interest rates and the right to pre-pay with no penalty. VA also offers assistance to borrowers in mortgage default due to temporary financial difficulty. And with that…
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