U.S. Army Sustainment Command Mission ASC synchronizes distribution and sustainment of materiel to and from the field for the Materiel Enterprise in support of the warfighter. On order, executes LOGCAP. Serve as Materiel Enterprise Field Integrator Vision ASC sustains our Army, is ready to accomplish any mission, is committed to excellence and achieves the highest standards while taking care of our Soldiers, Civilians and their families. Lines of Operation End State Supporting Tasks C2 Forces Train/Deploy Forces Materiel Mgmt AL&T Synch APS Mgmt Reset DTS Army Materiel Readiness LBE PDTE Transform ASC Develop Concept Plans Implement DOL Realignment Develop Equipping Strategy Centralize Contracting Strategy Postured to Support the M.E. (“The Army’s DISCOM”) Plan Future Force Structure Deploy LMP Infrastructure Execute Strategic Communication Field GFEBS Develop / Update ASC Web Site & Video Conduct Community & Business Engagements Congressional STRATCOMs Publish Articles Develop Themes & Messages Enterprise Awareness Care of Soldiers, Civilians & Families Conduct Continuous Assessment & Improvement Execute Army Family Covenant Execute Force Protection Execute FRG Support ConductWarrior Training Conduct Civilian Training Recognize Service Implement Leadership Program Balanced Workforce Provide LOGCAP Execute Program Management Train and Exercise Establish SA & Standards Provide Quality Assurance Transform to End state Quality Services to Standard Priorities Support Contingency Operations Support ARFORGEN (Reset, LBE, PDTE) Develop into MMC (“The Army’s DISCOM”) Support OEF Surge & Sustainment Support OIF Retrograde & Sustainment Support Other Operations Integrate LOGCAP Maintain APS As of 10 March 2010