Faculty Senate Meeting April 20, 2017
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - B. Hale, Secretary II. Approval of minutes-postponed III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, T. Schuman B. Administrative Reports i) Chancellor’s Report ii) Provost’s Report C. Staff Council Report D. Student Council E. Council of Graduate Students
President’s Report 20 April 2017
Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) IFC meets tomorrow, 21 April, by telepresence University relations Post tenure review (white paper discussion) Campus’ progress on budgeting 2017-18 IFC agenda planning discussion NTT faculty workload Increasing salary adjustment for faculty promoted to “professor” Salary adjustments during post‐tenure review Creating a special designation for outstanding teaching faculty (in lieu of promotion to professor rank)
Curator’s Meeting on S&T Campus 27-28 April Administration hosts 27 April dinner presentation Three students under Drs. Ma, Zoughi, and Day: Casey Burton (P-scan and future methods) Matt Horst (millimeter wave detection) Steve Jung (bioglass fabric for wound healing) EWB group presentation Josi Gass (current President) Ashley Longrie (current health and safety officer) Faculty Senate hosts 28 April breakfast presentation Dean Brow will present examples of industrial collaboration research Curators have follow on discussion regarding critical issues associated with campus research, e.g., economic impact to state
President Choi Campus Visit 13 April 2017 Introduced Chris Maples as potential interim chancellor FS officers met with Dr. Maples from 8 to 9 am Dr. Choi stated his preference was for someone without prior history at S&T but with conflict management skills Faculty Senate officers’ discussions Several but not extensive faculty inputs, mostly extremes Discussed Dr. Maples extensively ‘Not an inspirational leader’ Effective and collaborative, communicative Opportunity to move university in a faculty-driven direction
Budget Discussions Open forum was 3 p.m. Friday, March 24 Room 125 Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall Presentation by Walt Branson Unanswered questions “Did Pres. Choi mean ‘balanced budget’ or ‘8%/12% cuts’?” “What about strategic plan funding mechanism?” System communication of intentions: ‘Strategic investments’ ‘Academic program prioritization’
Budget Discussions The 12% plan is to prepare for anticipated follow-on cuts New business tax policy to continue to lose tax revenue Subsequent years will have deficit cuts/withholding If budgets are not balanced bottom up, they must be balanced and will be balanced top down There is to be no intercampus reallocation Will sow additional discord between campuses System resources to be used to supplement individual campuses
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses President’s Report B. Administrative Reports i) Chancellor’s Report, -NO REPORT ii) Provost’s Report C. Staff Council Report D. Student Council E. Council of Graduate Students
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report B. Administrative Reports i) Chancellor’s Report ii) Provost’s Report, R. Marley C. Staff Council Report D. Student Council E. Council of Graduate Students
Faculty Senate Dr. Robert J. Marley April 20, 2017 Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
UPDATES Interim Chancellor VP and Dean of CEC Chair Searches
UPDATES Cont. Budget Process May 10 target for release of proposed reductions for FY18 April 4 letter from President Choi asked all campuses to identify 8-12% overall reduction going forward Asked for consideration of program realignment, merger, elimination based on priorities and quality assessment Goal of recommendations by end of calendar year 2017 Question: How can faculty be involved in the process?
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report B. Administrative Reports i) Chancellor’s Report ii) Provost’s Report C. Staff Council Report S. Dees for B. Abner D. Student Council E. Council of Graduate Students
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report B. Administrative Reports i) Chancellor’s Report ii) Provost’s Report C. Staff Council Report D. Student Council, M. Hale E. Council of Graduate Students
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report B. Administrative Reports i) Chancellor’s Report ii) Provost’s Report C. Staff Council Report D. Student Council, M. Hale E. Council of Graduate Students, S. Anandan
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula Committee, T. Schuman Information Technology/Computing Rules, Procedures, and Agenda D. Administrative Review
CCC Meetings Committee Activity 5 April 10 May (upcoming) 1 Degree change request (DC forms) 11 Course change requests (CC forms) 6 Experimental course request (EC forms)
Degree Changes Requested File#: 139.4 GS ECON‐MI: Global Sustainable Economics Minor
Course Changes Requested: File#: 4369 ART 3100: Advanced Art Studio File#: 1712.5 BIO SCI 2372: Issues in Public Health File#: 4406 BUS 5230: Financial Statement Analysis File#: 2456.1 CHEM 4630: Introduction to Bio‐Nanotechnology File#: 398.1 CHEM 5630: Biochemical Nanotechnology File#: 1289.1 ECON 5330: Econometric Methods File#: 2400.9 EDUC 3222: Geometric Concepts for Elementary Teachers File#: 4407 IS&T 5520: Data Methodologies in Python File#: 4394 MECH ENG 6585: Advanced Optical Materials and Structures File#: 1786.4 PHILOS 4399: Topics in Philosophy File#: 2342.5 PSYCH 5010: Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions Discussion: Questions or comments?
Motion from CCC regarding course prerequisite: “Consent of instructor" should only be listed as a prerequisite if there is a specific reason or need. If listed, it should be enforced. Students may request that course prerequisites be waived if warranted, but that is not the purpose of the "Consent of instructor" designation.”
Informational Only Experimental Courses Approved: File#: 4396 AERO ENG 6001.002: Electric Space Propulsion File#: 4411 ALP 2001.001: The Global Village File#: 4374 CHEM ENG 5001.002: Applied Numerical Methods for CFD File#: 4393 COMP SCI 6001.002: Special Topics in Real‐Time and Cyber‐Physical Systems File#: 4395 MECH ENG 6001.003: Advanced Computational Thermofluid Mechanics File#: 4402 STAT 6001.003: Survival Analysis
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula Committee, T. Schuman Information Technology/Computing - NO REPORT Rules, Procedures, and Agenda D. Administrative Review
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula Committee, T. Schuman Information Technology/Computing Rules, Procedures, and Agenda D. Administrative Review
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees Curricula Committee, T. Schuman Information Technology/Computing Rules, Procedures, and Agenda D. Administrative Review
Administrative Review Committee 2016-2017 members: Dr. Ali Hurson Dr. V. A. Samaranayake Dr. William Schonberg Dr. Nancy J. Stone, Chair
Administrative Review Process Surveys distributed Monday March 6, 2017 at 12:05 a.m. To all faculty (n = 370) Chancellor Provost Vice Chancellor for Global and Strategic Partnerships Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Equity and Inclusion Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Vice Chancellor for University Advancement Only to faculty in CASB (n = 155) Vice Provost and Dean of College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Two reminders sent: Sunday March 12 and Sunday March 19. Surveys closed Sunday March 26, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.
Process of Survey Data Review Monday March 27, 2017 Data received from Cheryl McKay Monday April 3, 2017 Administrative Review Committee met and reviewed results Some errors in data format. Determined presentation format of data.
Process of Survey Data Review Monday April 10, 2017 Cheryl McKay provided corrected analyses and total participation rates. Participation rates Chancellor Total = 97 (26.2%) Provost Total = 127 (34.3%) VC Finance & Administration Total = 82 (22.2%) VC Global & Strategic Partners Total = 83 (22.4%) VC HR, Equity & Inclusion Total = 100 (27.0%) VC Student Affairs Total = 64 (17.3%) VC University Advancement Total = 77 (20.8%) VP & Dean, CASB Total = 69 (44.5%)
Process of Survey Data Review Monday April 17, 2017 Administrative Review Committee met with Faculty Senate Officers Reviewed survey data. Determined specific process for presenting results.
Faculty Bylaws (300. 030 D. 6. b) https://www. umsystem “Administrative Review Committee (1) This committee sets policies and procedures for review of campus administrators. The committee recommends the evaluation questionnaires and a plan/schedule for conducting reviews to the Faculty Senate. The committee conducts the reviews; oversees the sending of the evaluation forms to the evaluating persons; oversees the collection and collation of the resulting evaluations; and, along with the officers of the Faculty Senate, reviews and forwards the results of the evaluation. (2) The committee consists of four (4) representatives nominated by the Rules, Procedures and Agenda Committee (with the possibility of nominations from the floor) and elected by a vote of the Faculty Senate. Committee members serve for two (2) years, terms to be staggered with the election of two faculty members each year, and shall be full-time, tenured faculty members with an administrative component of 50% or less.”
Procedure for Presenting Results to those surveyed and their supervisors. April 17, 2017 Administrative Review Committee and Faculty Senate Officers met to review survey results. Discussion and materials of this meeting are to remain confidential. Process The Administrative Review Committee will meet with each person reviewed to deliver a hard copy of the results. The Administrative Review Committee will meet with and present the supervisor of each person reviewed with a hard copy of the results. Once all individuals reviewed and their supervisors have received copies of the reports, A hard copy of each report and a flash drive with the reports and complete data files will be given to the Faculty Senate President to be placed in Archives. Once an interim Chancellor is named, the Administrative Review Committee will meet with him or her and provide a briefing of the review process and a hard copy of the results for all direct reports reviewed.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn