Dark They Were, And Golden-eyed By: Ray Bradbury Anna Barr, Mathew Schultz, and Kyle Lakin 1st hour
Summary In this book, people from Earth come to stay on Mars because there is a nuclear war happening on earth. All the rockets on Earth are destroyed so the people on Mars are cut off from the world. As time passes, the people’s eyes change to yellow and their skin is darkening. Harry Bittering is the only one who notices, and who wants to travel back to Earth.
Focus Question: Do people change when they’re cut off from the world?
Initial Characters The initial characters are Harry, Cora, Dan, Laura, and David Bittering.
Initial Setting The initial setting is planet mars, when they’re off the rocket ship.
Initial Action The initial action is when the Bitterings step off the rocket and Harry, the father, has a bad feeling. Go back to earth? Let’s get back on the rocket. Yes! Listen!
Rising Action
At the beginning of the story they are told that the rockets were blown up in a war, and are cut off from earth.
Later in the story, Harry notices something odd about the carrots, onions, and blossoms in the garden.
After that, Harry begins to notice that the people from Earth’s eyes begin turning yellow, and their skin is darkening.
The Earth-people go into the hills and begin to speak in Martian and forget their previous lives.
Falling Action
Men from Earth come to rescue the people and discover that the town has been abandoned. The only life forms they could find are the Martians in the hills.
Sci-Fi Elements The story takes place in the future. Takes place on a different planet. Includes Martians. Deals with future technology.
Response “Dark They Were and Golden-eyed” by Ray Bradbury is a very interesting story about what may happen if humans move to Mars.
Citations http://www.inkity.com/catalog/product/2/2184/Cartoon-Man-Running.html http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/solar_system_level1/mars.html