Caroline Lukens Thomas Rupp Wyatt Christensen (Lukens, 2016)
Mission Statement To conveniently provide high quality snowboarding gear and advice anywhere, from the slopes to your home.
Powder Snowboard Gear Founded in Laramie, Wyoming Three University of Wyoming Students Need for high quality gear Demo and Purchase on the slope Competitive advantage Quick access to gear and tuning information Started when we saw there was a need for a store where people could demo and purchase high quality snowboard gear.
Business Partner Roles Wyatt Christensen, System Developer Works with a tech crew to develop and update the phone app Created and maintains website which links to the phone app Caroline Lukens, Project Coordinator Organizes staff for in store operations along with online sales Coordinates with manufactures of our gear Thomas Rupp, Promotion Agent Works directly with ski resorts to promote sales Manages social media pages
Products and Services Products: Professional grade Snowboards and snowboard bindings. In-Store Services: Custom binding settings and adjustments, demo of gear. Online Services: Website with mobile app extension. (Pirates of Powder, 2017)
In-Store and Online Operations Convenient demo and purchase of gear. Experienced staff to give demo and purchasing support. Mobile app: Mobile resource for on mountain tips Including, gear, in app sales, and gear reservation. Tutorials on gear tuning and optimization. Website: Online sales, online archive of tutorials.
Customer Demographics Middle to upper class Between the ages of 16-45 Proficient to advanced snowboarders Online customers: (ages 16-25) broad scope of snowboarders Storefront customers: (ages 25-45) Snowboarders seeking high quality gear and custom tuning seeking more information on gear and interested in online purchases
Marketing Mix Product and Service: Demo and purchasing high quality gear with gear optimization resources Price: Snowboards ($600-800) Bindings ($300-400) Boots ($400-500) Demo of gear ($50-80)
Marketing Mix Promotion: Place: Market Saturation during mid-summer into winter. Online advertising. Printed promotions. Place: Online and mobile app In store located at ski resort base Online advertising on resort webpage/ search engine efficiency. Printed promotions through flyers distributed locally and at gear swaps
Marketing Strategies In-Store Online Google search optimization Advertise in-store services on the ski resort’s webpage Handout promotional stickers Google search optimization Create and manage social media pages (Unknown, 2012)
Customer Relationship Management Vendor: SAP Software Solutions CRM Helps us increase customer loyalty Gives insight on what the customer wants Allows customers opinions to be utilized We are too small for ERP Our supply chain is too narrow to focus on SCM
System Details SAP allows us to Manage customer service Enhance our understanding of customers Optimize response time and accuracy for customer questions and complaints Opportunities to up-sell and cross-sell Digital marketing solutions Real-time customer intent system allowing customers to receive personalized service Individualized marketing technology On site and online data marketing data bases
System Details Companies using the SAP system AUDI Burger King 3M 16% decrease in similar companies customer service calls Increase in sales by providing personalized offers and reminders for customers Simplistic system that integrates all parts of the CRM into one
How we plan to use SAP Digital marketing solutions Enable us to treat customers like individuals by using digital information to provide personalized online services and suggestions. Utilize customer data to plan marketing strategies. Allows our employees to have a network of customer information. Manage customer service Use customer feedback to improve our products and services. Increase our response time and accuracy for customer questions and complaints to strengthen our customer relations. Improve overall customer satisfaction by providing opportunities to cross-sell or up-sell when it’s in the customers best interest.
Pros and Cons of SAP Specialized CRM system for each business Global integration due to world wide popularity Access to data through the internet; on-site and mobile There is a minimum of 15 users to have a SAP system High installation and monthly costs
SAP Costs Team User CRM Sales: $89/user/month Individualized installation costs varying from business to business
E-Tailer Similar to storefront shopping Utilizes the internet- shop via website Contains information on inventory Necessary to place an order Creates an online shopping experience Portable and accessible world wide
Free/Freemium Revenue Model Offers basic information for free to customers Premium fee- access to more services Provide basic services Gear functions and information on products (free) In depth services Greater detail on gear tunings Ask the pro’s column
Web 2.0 Technology- Blog
Works Cited- Part 1 Baltzan, P. (2016). Business Driven Information Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Lukens, D. (Photographer). (2016, May). A-Basin Ski Resort [photograph]. Unknown (Photographer). (2017, January). Choosing the Best Snowboard Bindings [photograph]. Retrieved from Unknown (Photographer). (2012, June). Trade Stickers [photograph]. Retrieved From
Works Cited- Part 2 What Does CRM Actually Cost? (2017, January 25). Retrieved February 27, 2017, from Hybris Marketing: Market to an Audience of One. (2015, August). Retrieved February 27,2017, from eda71af511fa.html Customer Service Excellence. (2016, November 16). Retrieved February 27, 2017, from 82c7-eda71af511fa.html
Work Cited- Part 3 Blogger. (n.d). Retrieved March 09, 2017, from Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved March 09, 2017, from Laudon and Laudon from IMGT Sharepoint Site The Free Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved March 09, 2017, from Youtube. (n.d). Retrieved March 09, 2017, from