Staff EMIS Beginning Staff OAEP Mary Myers May 2-3, 2016
Turn Off Cell Phones
Agenda Definition of Staff Data Staff Software Tips (USPS) Student Software Tips Contracted Staff Error Correction Reports Questions
Staff and Course Collection Career-Technical_Education_Correlated_Class_Record_(CV).csv Contract_Only_Staff_Record_(CC).csv Contractor_Staff_Employment_Record_(CJ).csv Course_Master_Record_(CN).csv Excluded_Records.csv Generic_Record_Type_Package.csv Mapped_Classroom_Code_Record_(CM).csv Staff_Course_Record_(CU).csv Staff_Demographic_Record_(CI).csv Staff_Employment_Record_(CK).csv Staff_Missing_Override_Record_(CP).csv Staff_Missing_Report.csv Staff_Summer_Employment_Separation_Record_(CL).csv Student_Course_Record_(GN).csv
What is Staff Data? Staff Demographics Staff Employment One record for each job Contractor Staff Employment Record One for each job per entity assigned Course Master Staff Course Record
Staff Records to Report All staff employed by the district One job for each position Includes if teach in multiple buildings All staff contracted by outside agency to serve students Includes staff from non-EMIS reporting entities where students are placed All Supplemental Contracts Contractor Staff Employment Records Staff assigned to/works with another EMIS-reporting entity Other entity does not report staff demographics/employment records Contract Only Records Contract staff is classified positions Not involved with student instruction
Staff Software Tips Key is Staff ID State Staff ID from certificate Assigned Z-ID Blank ID is assigned when USPEMS/USPEMX option SIF collection run from Data Collector Staff Reporting is based on Fiscal Year If reported during the first collection, must be reported during the second collection If employee is leaving after the end of the school year and that is known before close of the fiscal year reporting Report with separation date and reason during the Final Staff/Course Collection for the fiscal year Leave position status ‘C’ No need to report that staff member the following fiscal year
Assignment Areas An assignment area must always be reported with the following position code. 230 Teacher (999050, 999270, 999365, 999370, 999380, 999412, 999414, 999418, 999570, or 999800 only) An assignment area is required for the following position codes only in certain situations. 108 Principal, assignment area required when individual is also teaching a class (the principal must have proper certification to teach the class) 109 Superintendent, assignment area required when individual is also teaching a class (the superintendent must have proper certification to teach the class) 110 Supervisor/Manager, assignment area required for gifted and talented, maintenance/construction/grounds, for transportation services, and food services 113 Coordinator, area assignment required for gifted and talented, career-technical education-apprenticeship program, vocational special education coordinator services, and career assessment specialist services. 115 Director, assignment area required for gifted and talented 318 Psychologist, assignment area required for preschool special education 325 Physical Therapist, assignment area required for preschool special education 326 Speech and Language Therapist, assignment area required for preschool special education 327 Occupational Therapist, assignment area required for preschool special education 328 Mobility Therapist, assignment area required for preschool special education 333 Adapted Physical Education Therapist, assignment area required for preschool special education 415 Instructional Paraprofessional, assignment area required for Title I programs
Qualified Paraprofessional Yes or No required when Position code ‘415’ With an assignment area of ‘999140’, and/or Fund source of ‘G’ Position code ‘415’ in any Title I Schoolwide Building Position code ‘415’ without Y/N and no assignment area ‘999140’ will generate Level 1 warning to verify data is accurate
Student Software Tips Staff linked through Key is State Staff ID Staff Course Record Program Code Itinerant PS 220100 Gifted 206xxx Career Assessment 305003 Key is State Staff ID Must be ID from certificate/license Contracted courses from another EMIS-reporting entity Must have Provider IRN
Contracted Staff Instructional Non-Instructional ESC Student Sent to Non-EMIS Reporting Entity Therapists Occupational Therapists Physical Therapists Speech Therapists Non-Instructional Bus Drivers Food Service Custodial
Contracted Staff - Instructional ESC Preschool ESC Reports All Staff Records and Courses School-age ESC Reports Staff Demographics Staff Employment Contractor Staff Employment Record Resident District Course Master with ESC Staff Attached State Staff ID Provider IRN of ESC Credential ID is the link between the district’s course master and the ESC’s staff records.
Contracted Staff - Instructional Non-EMIS Reporting Entity Staff Demographic Staff Employment Position Status A or I (Contracted Agency or Individual) Course Master Therapists
Contracted Staff – Non-Instructional EMIS Reporting Entity Contracting District Reports Nothing Contractor District Staff Demographics Staff Employment Contractor Staff Employment Record Non-EMIS Reporting Entity Contract-Only Staff Record One Record per Position Code per Contract Term
Contract Only Record Table 4. Position Codes and Contract Reporting Position Code Series May be reported with this record May not be reported with this record; report at individual level using other staff records 100s None 101-199 200s 201-299 300s 301, 307, 319, 329, and 340 304, 318, 320, 323, 325-328, 330-334, and 399 400s 402-414, and 499 415 500s 501-508, 599 509, 510 600s 601-699 700s 702-799 800s 801-899 900s 901-999
Error Correction Level 1 Errors Missing Value for Highly Qualified Teacher Each subject code must have HQT definition assigned If subject not HQT applicable, value must be ‘I’ Warnings Staff member over 70 years old Semester Hours low for position code and education level If in Title I Schoolwide Building, Paraprofessional Code is Invalid Correct, if necessary
Level 1 Errors (cont.) ‘Teacher must have at least one course master’ Coded as Position code 230/assignment area Not attached to any courses No Contractor Staff Employment Record Check Could be Special Ed position code 212 May be summer separation and needs separation date/reason Is State Staff ID same between staff and student software?
Missing Staff Fatal Error on Level 1 Validation Missing Data Reported previous period with no separation date/reason and position status C Not reported this reporting period Make sure staff record is being reported If State Staff ID changed Post helpdesk for ITC to post override request Include ‘old’ ID and ‘new’ ID
Missing Staff (cont.) Reported last reporting period, not now If separation date prior to last day of last school year need staff override file submitted to data collector If after last day of school enter in separation date and reason leave job and employee Y report to EMIS Change position status to ‘U’
Excluded Records No Corresponding LCC in the Staff Course Record (Local Class Code) Who is employing staff member? If ESC, does course have Provider IRN? If district Does State Staff ID match staff and student files? Is staff reported to EMIS? If non-EMIS reporting entity Is district reporting the staff demographics and employment records with position status ‘A’ or ‘I’?
Level 2 Reports Reports, not considered ‘errors’ HQT Report Errors are indicated Need to verify If staff member is not certified, Highly Qualified definition will be changed to ‘N’ regardless what was submitted Message will appear on report if HQT value was reported and that subject code/curriculum/delivery method/educational option/student population combination is not subject to HQT
Level 2 (cont.) CTE 4 Reports CTE-000 – CTE FTEs by Student Enrollment Shows student’s potential CTE FTE and actual CTE FTE If potential does not equal actual, an error code will be assigned to indicate the type of error *** is no issues, first spot is Student, second is Course, third is Staff (ex. 1**, *2*, **3, etc.) CTE-001 – CTE Student Issues CTE-002 – CTE Course Issues CTE-003 – CTE Staff Issues
Other Reports Invalid Certification Generic Error Is staff member certified in that subject code? Does staff member have correct position code? Is student population correct? Look up staff certification Teacher Information page of ODE’s Website Educator Profile Look up valid subjects EMIS Page Certification/Licensure Search
Educator Profile Search for the staff member using either their State Staff ID or name Click on Credentials Pay attention to Credential (License Type), Status, and Teaching Fields
Certificate Licensure Search Subject Search Enter subject on left side, lists valid certification/licensure
Certificate Licensure Search Certificate Search Enter Cert/Lic Type and teaching fields on right side of screen, lists valid subjects