Chemistry Metals and non metals
Describe and explain the properties of metals and non - metals Learning Objectives: In order to be successful in this lesson you must be able to: Describe and explain the properties of metals and non - metals Success…
Metal or non-metal? iron (Fe) iodine (I) antimony (Sb) phosphorus (P) Is this element a or a ? metal non-metal iodine (I) sulfur (S) magnesium (Mg) antimony (Sb) copper (Cu) phosphorus (P) iron (Fe) Hard to say! H Li Na K Rb Cs Fr Be Sc Ti Mg V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge Se Br Ca Kr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Sr Te Rh Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po La At Pt Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt ? Ac Al P N O S Cl F Ne Ar Rn I Si Xe He B C As Mg Mg P P S S Fe Fe Cu Cu On this slide there are seven elements to be identified as metal or non-metal. Sb Sb I I
Metals and non-metals in the periodic table The periodic table is a list of all the known elements which are arranged according to the similarities in their properties. Metals are on the left and in the centre. Non-metals are mostly on the right. Xe What type of elements are between metals and non-metals?
Metals and Non - Metals On your copy of the periodic table, colour in the metals and the non – metals
Metal, non-metal or metalloid? scandium (Sc) francium (Fr) cobalt (Co) krypton (Kr) silicon (Si) metal non-metal metalloid metal metal Which side are the metals on? Which side are the non-metals on? What are metalloids? H Li Na K Rb Cs Fr Be Sc Ti Mg V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge Se Br Ca Kr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Sr Te Rh Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po La At Pt Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt ? Ac Al P N O S Cl F Ne Ar Rn I Si Xe He B C As On this slide there are five elements to be identified as metal, non-metal or metalloid. Metals are on the left and in the centre. Metalloids sometimes behave like metals and sometimes like non-metals. Non-metals are mostly on the right.
Can you name the following …. Common metals Common non metals Cu Zn Al Fe Ag Au C O S H N
Properties of Metals You are going to be testing a series of metals to find out what properties a metal has. Copy and complete the following table: Name of Metal Is it shiny or dull? Can you bend it? Does it conduct Electricity? Does if feel cold? Can you stretch it? Melting point? High or low
Look at your results. What do all the metals have in common? Conclusion Look at your results. What do all the metals have in common? The things they have in common are called their ‘properties’ What do you think the properties of the non-metals are?
What are the properties of metals? malleable (easy to bend) Shiny (lustrous) solid sonorous (makes a sound) good conductor of electricity Properties of metals dense strong high melting point good conductor of heat Point out the metal exceptions which do not display these properties, e.g. mercury, sodium. ductile (can be streched into wires) high boiling point Do all metals have these properties?
Using metals Can all metals do the same job?.
Applications of metals