Classroom Management… It’s all about balance! Organization Structure Safety & Love Consequences Procedures Rewards Ashley Taylor
Building Blocks of Classroom Management Organization Structure Procedures Consequences Rewards Safety & Love
STRUCTURE Classroom Rules Schedule Be Safe Be Kind Be Ready to Learn Be the best YOU can be Schedule Posted in words & pictures Consistent Make students aware of change Discuss daily at Morning Meeting
TYPES OF PLANS THINK… TURN… TALK… SHARE! What do you use? Class Dojo Clip Chart Color Chart Sticker Charts Tickets Classroom Economy Table Points
Behavior Contracts Focus on 2-3 desired behaviors Make choices desirable & self-selected Review contract daily with students
PROCEDURES Choose 8-10 non-negotiables & stick to it! Emergency Drills (fire, lockdown, severe weather, etc) Getting the teacher’s attention Caring for classroom & personal items Expectations at PE, Recess, Lunch, Learning Stations, etc Noise level Using technology Transitions (lining up, cleaning up, moving in classroom, etc) Morning Meeting & Pledges Turning in work Working alone, with partner & in groups Taking care of the classroom
Reinforcing Procedures with BOOKS!
Anchor Charts
CONSEQUENCES Choose a classroom management plan that works for you & your students. You must be CONSISTENT with implementing your plan & consequences.
Cool Down Allow students to ask for cool down time Do NOT allow this to turn into adult attention seeking or task avoidance! WORK DOES NOT GO AWAY! Cool down should be quiet & non-engaging Require reflection before returning to class
REWARDS Incentives must be meaningful & attainable. At the beginning of the year, make rewards easier to earn & more frequent. Consistently up the goal, every 3-4 weeks. Look beyond the treasure box!
SAFETY & LOVE How do you let your students know you care? How do you ensure your students feel safe?