RURAL post 2020: more ambitious, more transversal! Brussels 4 May 2017 Rural proofing in Finland – origin, methodology, experience and prospect RURAL post 2020: more ambitious, more transversal! Brussels 4 May 2017 Hanna-Mari Kuhmonen, Rural Policy Council
Finland is one of the most rural countries within the OECD
Finland from the rural point of view Regional class Surface (%) Population (%) Inner urban area 0,2 31,5 Outer urban area 0,6 26,5 Peri-urban area 4 11 Local centres in rural areas 6 Rural areas close to urban areas 10,8 7 Rural heartland areas 15,9 12 Sparsely populated rural areas 68,3
Origin of rural proofing in Finland (1/3) Impacts of decisions and policies often vary on rural and urban areas due to different features; long distances and sparse population are typical for rural areas Finland is a very rural country need for a tool with which rural aspects can be more systematically integrated in the preparation and decision making processes Rural proofing - helps to ensure that impacts on rural areas are recognized so that they can be taken into account before the decision is made - contributes to equality of rural and urban areas and fair treatment of rural residents and actors - increases awareness of rural aspects and circumstances
Origin of rural proofing in Finland (2/3) In 2007 the Rural Policy Committee appointed a working group to prepare rural proofing approach into Finnish structures OECD rural policy review on Finland (2008) gave a recommendation to improve and strengthen rural proofing ”Requiring the different Government departments, at all levels, and all public bodies, to demonstrate (through a checklist) that they have taken rural interests into account in framing and implementing policy and to include within their regional strategies a breakdown according to the rural typology or at least identify the extent to which their strategies will benefit rural areas.” Rural proofing was first time included as a measure in the national Rural Policy Programme 2009-2013
Origin of rural proofing in Finland (3/3) Political support and will for rural proofing: Government Report to the Parliament (2009): Recommendation to ministries to use rural proofing in preparation of policies and decisions when there are regional impacts. Parliament’s Comment to the Report (2010): Parliament calls for rural proofing as a preliminary to national decision making when there are regional impacts. But no obligatoriness for rural proofing; rural proofing has always been voluntary in Finland
Basic principles for rural proofing Rural proofing is seen as an approach Process is important engagement of different actors General checklist can be applied according to the situation, but there is no one way or model to implement rural proofing key is to include rural aspects in preparation and decision making processes Emphasis is in the preparation phase before the decision is taken offers chance to modify the decision if rural impacts seem to be negative Emphasis is in sparsely populated rural areas which are most vulnerable for impacts Rural proofing should be integrated in existing processes
Methodology and process In different phases of the process it can be used different methods; data analysis, learning cafes etc.
Use of spatial data Useful to demonstrate for instance location of people, enterprises, services etc. Helps to understand better the nature of different parts of the area and impacts on them Support for instance planning of service delivery in rural areas
Experience: rural proofing as a tool in the municipal reform After municipal mergers new municipalities are often large and consist of different types of areas (for example City of Oulu) The questions raised during the municipal reform: How to ensure that different areas will be developed equally? How to ensure that democracy will function and people in rural areas will be heard? How to ensure that people in rural areas will receive local services? Rural proofing helps to make rural aspects visible and enable taking them into account
Experience: Strengths Rural proofing helps to make rural visible and to raise awareness of rural issues The findings from rural proofing process can be used in further development work The rural proofing process has improved the cooperation among actors Rural proofing can strengthen place-based approach in policy making rural proofing at local level reveals impacts on places Rural proofing works best at local and regional level possible impacts can be seen in more concrete way
Experience: Challenges Rural proofing is voluntary irregular use of rural proofing Limited resources and lack of time to develop and implement rural proofing Lack of actors in charge of rural proofing Many impact assessments have to be done rural proofing is not prioritized Rural areas need to be respected and valued before meaning of rural proofing is understood and accepted
Current situation and prospect Since 2008 Government has appointed as one task for the cross-sectoral Rural Policy Council to develop, promote and follow up rural proofing Rural Policy Council will prepare an action plan for rural proofing which will define responsibilites and contact persons for rural proofing at different levels Ongoing regional government reform is remarkable change which enables strengthening of place-based policy; rural proofing should be integrated in the process Goal: rural proofing will be systematically used at all levels
Conclusions Rural aspects should be taken into account at all levels enabling flexibility in implementation (place- based policy) Impacts become reality in local communities rural proofing as a place-based approach is important in shaping the future of those communities At the EU level - it is important to make rural visible - it is important to encourage rural proofing in the EU actions especially at regional and local levels - rural should be one aspect when assessing impacts of new legislation
Thank you for your attention! More information: Hanna-Mari Kuhmonen Senior Officer Vice Secretary General of the Rural Policy Council