REACHING THE UNREACHED: Indonesia’s Experience Ministry of National Education 2008
Alternative Strategies to Achieve Universal Nine Year Basic Education
Open Junior Secondary Education - Aged 13 to 15 years unable to take part regular JSS or Madrasah Tsanawiyah - Social and economic disadvantage - Transportation difficulties Features: - Printed materials with A/V for some subjects - Flexible learning places and times - Satelite class to the nearest Regular JSS
One Roof School: PS and JSS Grades 1-9 in one school compound to overcome geographical constraints in thin and scattered rural population School is under one management (1 principal, I vice principal, and 6 subject teachers) Work well at rural and remote areas
Equivalency Programs (Paket A, B, and C) Targeting people with no access or lost opportunity to formal schooling Curriculum with more competency on life skills Flexible delivery system Teachers are voluntary and empowering local community Equivalency National Examination