Global Hydrology and Resampling Flow Direction Data April 22, 1999 Mary Lear Global Hydrology and Resampling Flow Direction Data April 22, 1999
Outline Introduction Resampling Programs Global Hydrology and Climate System Model Resampling Programs Methodology Interesting Concepts River Networks
Global Hydrology Tele-Connections Interdisciplinary Studies
Climate System Model National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Boulder, Colorado Predict greenhouse gas effects Predict El Nino - La Nina Precipitation-Evaporation Deforestation changes Ocean heating/cooling system Historical Analysis
Model Output Model output from 6 year run with 1% of land surface accounted for as surface water
Ocean Model Compliments of LANL Parallel Ocean Program
Global River Network Create manageable river network using fine resolution data View of the world Grid cells Watersheds
Resampling Programs Fine Resolution Flow Direction Data - 1 km Coarse Resolution Output - 2.814°
Resampling Methods Two Methods Inverse Maximum Maximum Flow Accumulation Written in Arc Macro Language (AML)
Inverse Method Inputs Concept Flow Direction Grid Scale Factor Stream Delineation Threshold Concept 1 ELEVATION MAXFAC
Inverse Method Output Fine Resolution River Network Inverse Output, ~200 scale factor
Maximum Method Input Flow Direction Grid Projected Coarse Resolution Mesh Checking Distance 1 2 10 12 1 2 FAC1 FAC2 10 12 Concept FAC10 Downstream FAC12
Maximum Output Export the PAT to Excel, Word Generate Line Coverage
Future Work Examine Inverse Method Completely Add perks to Maximum Method Code for Continental Margin Flowlength Column Write Comparison
Appreciations Thank you Jay Famiglietti Francisco Olivera Kwabena Asante