Bibliometric Analysis of Water Research Yee-Shuan Lee1*, Chung-Chi Wang2 and Yuh-Shan Ho2# 1Bibliometric Centre, Taipei Medical University - Wan-Fang Hospital 2Taipei Medical University - Wan-Fang Hospital Introduction Statistics on publications and other bibliographical items called scientometrics or bibliometrics has become a standard basis of classifying, mapping, assessing journals. Water Research ranked 2 out of 50 journals in water resources, 5 out of 38 in environmental engineering and 31 out of 129 in environmental sciences according to Journal Citation Reports (JCR) with an impact factor of 1.376 in 2001. In the present study, bibliometric techniques have been used to help outline a profile of Water Research during the 1981-2002 period. Methodology The main data source of the analysis was the Science Citation Index (SCI) database of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI, Philadelphia, PA, USA). The research papers analysis were obtained upon literature search with defined Source Title: Water Research. Results and Discussion A total number of 6836 papers published in volumes 15 (1981) through 36 (2002) of Water Research by the Science Citation Index into document types Articles (6257 items), Book Review (45 items), Correction (21 items), Addition Correction (19 items), Discussion (2 items), Editorial Material (81 items), Item about an Individual (1 item), Letter (50 items), Note (288 items) and Review (72 items) was taken into account. Quantitative analysis was done to assess the publication pattern concerning in authorship, origin countries, citation frequency and citation indicator. Top 10 publishing countries included the seven major industrial countries (U.S.A., Japan, Germany, U.K., France, Italy and Canada) that represent a share of 64% of world publications and 65% of world citations in Water Research. Countries with Relative Citation Rate (RCR) value higher than 1 indicated they had more impact than the average of this field. Publication and citation of various page counts Publication and CPP of various number of authors Annual publication output and CPP Most cited article for each year from 1981 to 2002 FA: First author, CA: Corresponding author, C: Times cited, PG: Page count, PY: Publication year Publication output, citation, CPP and RCR of top 10 publishing countries Conclusion Yearly production has grown three times more by the end of the evaluating year and dominated by small group co-authorship. USA has dominated the production share followed distantly by UK and five most productive countries were all among the seven major industrial countries. One of the problems for Water Research is that there is a delay in the citing of published papers. It takes about ten years for the peak of citations to be reached, whereas the impact factor is calculated for only the past two years.