Unit 20 Animation Name: Group:
Scenario 5 a Day Fruit and vegetables help set you up for a healthier lifestyle. Best of all, there is so much variety to choose from, all year long, there's enough to keep even the fussiest eaters happy. To get the best health benefits, your 5 A DAY portions should include a combination of a variety of fruit and vegetables. That's 5 portions altogether, not 5 portions of fruit and 5 portions of veg. You have been asked to create an animation lasting between 15 to 40 seconds. This should promote 5 a Day and easting healthily.
Review existing animations AO1 Review existing animations
Animation 1 Screenshot of animation This needs to be taken from a website
Animation 1 Name: Description: Purpose/Aim: How is the purpose met: Audience:
Animation 1 Good Feature: Bad Feature:
Animation 1 How to improve: ?
Animation 2 Screenshot of animation Taken from the system
Animation 2 Name: Description: Purpose/Aim: How is the purpose met: Audience:
Animation 2 Good Feature: Bad Feature:
Animation 2 How to improve: ?
AO2 Design a animation
Describe the purpose
Describe aim and audience
Storyboard Section 1 Section 2 Sketch Content: Text: Images: Sound: Video: Timing (how long is this section): Transitions: Effects: Tweening: Frame Rates: This storyboard should show CONTENT OF THE ANIMATION, TEXT, IMAGES, SOUND, VIDEO, TIMINGS, TRANSITIONS, EFFECTS
Storyboard Section 3 Section 4 Sketch Content: Text: Images: Sound: Video: Timing (how long is this section): Transitions: Effects: Tweening: Frame Rates: This storyboard should show CONTENT OF THE ANIMATION, TEXT, IMAGES, SOUND, VIDEO, TIMINGS, TRANSITIONS, EFFECTS 17
Storyboard Section 5 Section 6 Sketch Content: Text: Images: Sound: Video: Timing (how long is this section): Transitions: Effects: Tweening: Frame Rates: This storyboard should show CONTENT OF THE ANIMATION, TEXT, IMAGES, SOUND, VIDEO, TIMINGS, TRANSITIONS, EFFECTS 18
Storyboard Section 7 Section 8 Sketch Content: Text: Images: Sound: Video: Timing (how long is this section): Transitions: Effects: Tweening: Frame Rates: This storyboard should show CONTENT OF THE ANIMATION, TEXT, IMAGES, SOUND, VIDEO, TIMINGS, TRANSITIONS, EFFECTS 19
Storyboard Section 9 Section 10 Sketch Content: Text: Images: Sound: Video: Timing (how long is this section): Transitions: Effects: Tweening: Frame Rates: This storyboard should show CONTENT OF THE ANIMATION, TEXT, IMAGES, SOUND, VIDEO, TIMINGS, TRANSITIONS, EFFECTS 20
AO3 Create a animation
Animation Link to external file
15 sec clip (P)
Optimising components
Editing Images for WWW
Basic graphics (P)
Show development of graphics images Drawing/editing shapes Use of colour Lines Text Importing objects
Tweening (P)
Frame by frame (P)
Frame Rate (M)
Looping (M)
Looping individual elements
Optimise components and the animation for the use of the WWW
Purpose and Audience Discuss how the products meets the audience and purpose.
AO4 Testing the animation
Testing Table Test Date Comments Suitable content Appropriate components Components work as intended Whether correct message conveyed Suitable frame rates Runs for the correct length of time Whether the animation loops correctly Suitable file format
Areas for improvement
Action a improvement