Pre-AP English 2 VQ10 list Vocabulary – week 10
E1 VQ10 VQ10 Word list: 1) reprehensible (adj)- bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure 2) guile (n) – insidious, treacherous cunning; craftiness; slyness; trickery 3) parsimony (n) – unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy; stinginess 4) elusive (adj)- tending to escape grasp, perception, or mental retention 5) static (adj)- having no motion; at rest; quiescent 6) hypothetical (adj)- uncertain; based on a supposition or assumption 7) arable (adj) – capable of producing (usually crops); suitable for farming 8) asperity (n) – harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity; acrimony 9) boorish (adj)- unmannered; crude; insensitive 10) brackish (adj)- having a salty or briny flavor 11) braggadocio (n)- empty boasting or bragging 12) bucolic (adj) – of or pertaining to shepherds; pastoral; countryside; rustic
Reprehensible (adj) Reprehensible (adj)– bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure EX. Crimes like murder and kidnapping are reprehensible, and should be punished severely. SYN: shameful ANT: creditable, praiseworthy Related: reprehensibility (noun)
Guile (n) Guile (n)– insidious, treacherous cunning; craftiness; slyness; trickery EX. He possessed a noble mind and loved truthfulness; indeed, his father ever abominating guile taught him sincerity . SYN: slyness, cleverness ANT: forthrightness, frankness, sincerity Related: beguiled (adj)
parsimony (n) parsimony (n) – unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy; stinginess EX. Due to Scrooge’s parsimony, his very few friends knew not to try to borrow money from him. SYN: frugality, stinginess ANT: generosity Related: parsimonious (adj)
Elusive (adj) elusive (adj)- tending to escape grasp, perception, or mental retention EX. Ever perplexing leprechauns, the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow has never been discovered. SYN: evasive, mysterious ANT: definite Related: elusively (adv)
Static (adj) Static (adj)– having no emotion; at rest; quiescent EX. Baby owls mistook the static, stuffed owl for their mother. SYN: motionless, changeless ANT: mobile Related: statue (n), static (n), statically (adv)
Hypothetical (adj) Hypothetical (adj) – uncertain; based on a supposition or assumption EX. It always worried Nicole when her son posed a hypothetical situation to her. SYN: guessed, assumed ANT: certain, factual Related: hypothetically (adv)
Arable (adj) Arable (adj)– capable of producing (usually crops); suitable for farming EX. Rachel had to make sure to plant the corn while the land was still arable. SYN: farmable ANT: infertile Related: arability (n)
Asperity (n) Asperity (n) – harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity; acrimony EX. Melissa lost her customer service job due to her asperity with the clients. SYN: acerbity ANT: affability Related: asperse (tv)
Boorish (adj) Boorish (adj)– unmannered; crude; insensitive EX. The boorish man was escorted off the premises due to his improper language. SYN: vulgar, crude ANT: delicate, mannerly Related: boorishly (adv)
Brackish (adj) Brackish (adj) – having a salty or briny flavor. EX. Lindsey sent back the over-seasoned steak due to its brackish taste. SYN: briny ANT: bland Related: brackishness (n)
Braggadocio (n) braggadocio(n) – empty boasting or bragging EX. We are introduced to the plight of the many losers and the braggadocio of a few big winners. SYN: braggart ANT: humbleness Related: braggadocian (adj)
Bucolic (adj) Bucolic (adj) – of or pertaining to shepherds; pastoral; countryside; rustic EX. Gasping as she entered the pristine bucolic venue in rural Idaho, Amelia knew this was the right place for her wedding. SYN: pastoral, rustic ANT: urban Related: bucolically (adv)