Day 1- Organizational Skills PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
Organizational Skills Have the supplies you need, including notebooks, binders, folders, paper, and pencils. Get an all purpose folders. Use it at school and sort it out at the end of the day. Color code notebooks and folders by subject. Use an assignment pad or student planner. Write down everything you have to do. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
Organizational Skills 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson How Organized Am I ? Handout # 1- 1) Check statements that best describes you. 2) Identify the organizational skills you want to improve. 3) Name the steps it would take to help you improve the skills. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
Learning From Others: An Interview Handout #2a – Interview a classmate and find out what works for them. Write down the responses after you ask each question. After the interview then complete the second part of this handout #2b. Handout #2b – Complete this section after you interview a classmate. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson Student Planner Handout #3 - Keep this planner for this next week and fill in on this sheet what homework or after school activities you need to do. Be sure to write in your agenda book the same things you place on this form. This exercise must be turned in next Monday. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
Organizational Acrostic Handout #4a – to solve this puzzle, look at the clues in the grid and guess as many as you can. Guess the words in the grid and transfer them back to the dashes in the clues. Work back and forth until you solve the puzzle. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
Organizational Skills Tips Handout #5- Discuss each number on this handout. 1)Make sure you have the right supplies. 2)Sort out your folder every night. 3)Do not strike out an assignment when you complete it, just put a check mark next to it. 4)Pack your backpack every night and place it by your bedroom door. 5)Have the phone numbers of at least 2 people in your class so you can find out assignments when you are absent. 6)Keep your locker neat as possible. 7)Take what you need from your locker before several classes. Plan ahead. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson Standards 8-R1.13.Demonstrate the ability to use skimming and scanning techniques. 8-C2.1.Demonstrate the ability to listen for meaning in conversations and discussions. 8-C2.3.Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between fact and opinion, to compare and contrast information and ideas, and to make inferences with regard to what he or she has heard. 8-C2.5.Demonstrate the ability to listen to record information as a member of a group. 8-RS2.6.Begin using note-taking strategies to record facts and opinions from sources. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson
PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson Rubric Rubric for Content- Grading will be determined by the rubric on your study behavior worksheet that is turned in. Be sure to complete the lines fully on the worksheet. 9/16/2018 PPT developed by Debra A. Wilson