A view from the Audit Commission Fire Team Andrew Brodie CAA – the beginning A view from the Audit Commission Fire Team Andrew Brodie
FRA strengths Fire emerges well from a new and more challenging assessment A strong can do culture exists and a willingness to succeed. There is a generally reducing risk from fire, with good achievement against the key indicators There is a high level of public satisfaction with the service
FRA Organisational Assessment Scores
OA scores by type of authority
FRA Managing Performance Scores
FRA UoR Scores
Use of Resources Scores
UOR – managing finances scores
UOR - Governing the Business Scores
UoR Scores by FRA Type
FRA areas for future focus A good opportunity exists to reaffirm political leadership and direction Work in partnership Sharing good practice between FRAS Equalities issues remain a challenge Flexibility in using staff resources Varying approaches to performance management
Where next? National summary report Relationship building Driving value for money Market the role of fire at Area level Environmental impact
A view from the Audit Commission Fire Team Andrew Brodie CAA – the beginning A view from the Audit Commission Fire Team Andrew Brodie