What to do in the Locker Room Pre-Game Conference What to do in the Locker Room
Pre-Game Conference . Prior to Game Notify Game Management of arrival and confirm Correct time – Cell phone Start Time Media Coverage - Red, Hat, TV Time out, Liaison Person Clock Operators
. Prior to Game R and U – Will visit with Coaches 90 minutes prior to K.O. (Make visit with coach brief. Do not discuss opponents) Captains and Head Coach Read the Sportsmanship Code Time Schedule Cover 2nd half kick-off option procedure Coach for communication of fouls "Get Back" Coach/Equipment Cards Unusual Plays Umpires – Certification/Trainer 20 Minutes ALL six officials on the field
Auxiliary Box – If used at facility . On Field Inspect Field Check Clock Chain Crew Ball People Auxiliary Box – If used at facility Spot Check Equipment of players – visors, arm bands, wristband, and play cards
Captains - time (5 min prior to KO) . Toss at Center of Field Captains - time (5 min prior to KO) Teams – enter field 3 min prior to KO – consult script 9 Yard Marks R and U come to middle of field from opposite sidelines R – Enter from Press Box sideline U – Enter from opposite Press Box sideline
R and U will meet in the middle of the field at the 50yrd line . Toss at Center of Field R and U will meet in the middle of the field at the 50yrd line R and U will shake hands – This will clue the FJ and SJ to escort their respective captains to the numbers.
Coin Toss Home Team Visitors 50 40 20 30 10 According to the PIAA, the official coin toss should be held prior to the game’s ceremonial coin toss. It is recommended to have the official coin toss in the home team end zone approximately 30 minutes prior to the contest, with the Head Coaches and Captains of each team. Officials are to read the PIAA Sportsmanship Message at this time and get legally equipped confirmation from each head coach. Mid-Field Coin Toss: The Referee and Umpire will move to the middle of the field with 5 minutes left on the clock. They will assume a position at the opposite 45 yard lines facing the 50 yard line. The Referee will face the end zone scoreboard. The Head Linesman / Side Judge will instruct the visiting team players, coaches and personnel to remain off the playing field and within team box. The Side Judge will escort the visiting team captains toward the center of the field, stopping at the top of the numbers and then return to the sideline. The captains will continue to mid-field. The Head Linesman will remain on the sideline. The Line Judge / Field Judge will instruct the home team players, coaches and personnel to remain off the playing field and within team box. The Field Judge will escort the home team captains toward the center of the field, stopping at the top of the numbers and then return to the sideline. The captains will continue to mid-field. The Line Judge will remain on the sideline. * The captains should face each other with their backs to their sidelines. The referee introduces himself to the captains and has them introduce each other. The visiting team captain calls the toss, telling referee his choice before the referee flips the coin. The Umpire should audibly repeat the captain’s choice prior to the flip. If the winner of the toss opts to defer his choice until the second half, the referee stands toward the press box clear of the captains, indicates the toss winner by placing his hand on the shoulder of the appropriate captain and gives the declined signal. The referee then obtains the choice of the other captain. The referee instructs the captain of the team that will receive the kickoff to face the opponent’s goal line. The other captain faces his opponent’s goal line. The referee gives a catching motion to indicate the team that will receive. If the captain chooses to kick, the referee indicates by the choice by making a kicking motion. If the captain chooses one end of the field, the referee points with both arms extended toward the appropriate goal line. * Once it has been determined which team will kick off, the line judge/linesman will take the appropriate game ball to the center of the field and hand it to the umpire. The officials make a written record of the results of the toss and move to their kickoff positions simultaneously.
Home Team Visiting Team F L 50 40 20 30 10 R F Second Half Choices: * As the teams are being escorted to the field the Field Judge/Side Judge will get the choices from the head coaches and they will report them to the Referee S 50 40 20 30 10 U H S
Introduction Toss Winning Coin toss options . Toss at Center of Field Introduction Toss Winning Coin toss options Do you want the options this half Kick, Receive or Defend a Goal Do you want the options the 2nd half Defer 1st half option Ball for Kickoff Record Cards Break (Star) out to-Position
Positioning – up officials KNOW WHO HAS WHAT . Kick Off Positioning – up officials KNOW WHO HAS WHAT Counting Players and check off with other officials U make eye contact and ready signal – R chop in Clocks – wings wind clock if touched in your third of field Coverage’s / Keys Legal Kick Formation Touchback-Momentum
Fouls – tack on, spot, previous spot . Kick Off Player O.B. Touching 10 -yd zone Fair Catch Unusual Plays Fouls – tack on, spot, previous spot Short Kick Coverage / Position Keys / Bean Bags Dead Ball Activity Ball Exchange
Counting Players (5 or 15 penalty) Offence Defense . At the Snap Clocks Counting Players (5 or 15 penalty) Offence Defense Signals – 10men? or 12men - flag Formation Mechanics / Signals Define Numbering exceptions Blocking Zone-clipping-BBW
Defense in neutral zone - false start or Encroachment . At the Snap Free Blocking Zone Motion / Shifts Dead Ball Situations Defense in neutral zone - false start or Encroachment Substitution Process Definition of substitute – is a team player who may replace a player or fill a player vacancy.
Player’s coverage Position / Keys . Running Plays Player’s coverage Position / Keys Ball Coverage / Point of attack coverage Out of Bounds - Clock Coverage in Bench Crack backs / Chop Blocks Progress Spots – long runs Horse Collar
. Running Plays Pitch options – Responsibilities who and when QB Pitch Man Fumbles / Backward Pass Try Bean Bag Recovery Activity after Recovery Ball Return Primary @ Clean up Responsibilities / Relay Dead Ball Activity
Player Coverage -Position Keys . Passing Plays Player Coverage -Position Keys Cover Ups / Eligibility / Ineligibles downfield Clock Traps Completions Tips Forward -vs. Backward Ball crossing the Line of Scrimmage (L.O.S.)
. Passing Plays Intentional Grounding Illegal Forward Passes Save Time / Loss of Yardage Passer Position at Pass Quarterback sacks Progress Spot Activity after Hit Receiver Out of Bounds Spots – HL / LJ vs. FJ / SJ
. Passing Plays Screens / Swings / Option Interceptions Returns – Reverse mechanics Momentum – Only B – interceptions Holding / O-P-I / D-P I Dead Ball Activity Ball Exchange / Ball relay
Line of Scrimmage Responsibilities Red Zone-Changes . Goal Line Coverage Know Eligible’s Line of Scrimmage Responsibilities Red Zone-Changes Goal Line Responsibility Pylon – Inside / Outside, Airborne vs. Grounded – Know the RULE Communication – Eye contact sideline and end line Communication – Pile-ups at Goal line U- LJ-H “Communicate” See Ball, See Score
Going in Coverage - GOAL LINE Coming out Coverage - GOAL LINE - SAFETY . Goal Line Coverage Going in Coverage - GOAL LINE Coming out Coverage - GOAL LINE - SAFETY Spots – wings come hard to see ball Change of Possession – Momentum on fumble and interception Activity after Score & Goal Line Stand (Dead ball awareness…control player emotions)
Out of Bounds - Mechanics Goal Line / Touchbacks . Scrimmage Kicks Count Players - 5 yd vs. 15 yd Eligible's Kick Crossing LOS Blocked Kick Out of Bounds - Mechanics Goal Line / Touchbacks Momentum – Only B – interceptions First touching - batting Player Out of Bounds
Return Coverage Blocking Fair Catch / Signals Valid signal . Scrimmage Kicks Loose Ball Coverage Return Coverage Blocking Fair Catch / Signals Valid signal Invalid signal Illegal Fair Catch KCI – (contact, blocked into) Penalty Enforcements Moving Chains
Field Goal and Try Positions Ball Location Dead Ball Action . Scrimmage Kicks Field Goal and Try Positions Ball Location Dead Ball Action Ball Exchange
. Penalty Administration Communication-give all information What Where When Who Responsibilities Cover Flags – Do not leave flags unattended
. Penalty Administration Ball Slow Down Get it Right – If you disagree get in the conversation Help the R with the Clock – Signals (primarily FJ and LJ) Wind on the ready On the Snap
Do not change your routine unless under 2minutes . Hurry-up Offense R / U Communication Do not change your routine unless under 2minutes
Know position responsibilities FJ-LJ-H-U-SJ . Measurements Know position responsibilities FJ-LJ-H-U-SJ Take your time, do it right the first time If outside hashes – Who is getting a new ball
Discuss at Half-time (Locker Room) Carry over Penalties Review timing . Overtime Discuss at Half-time (Locker Room) Carry over Penalties Review timing Review toss and choices Offence Defense End of the field Review responsibilities At the start of Overtime it always 1st and Goal The Ball becomes dead on turnovers
. Recording Unsportsmanlike Always record Unsportsmanlike fouls on your card and note time
R-U-H – Come to the Ball mark cards . Close of Periods R-U-H – Come to the Ball mark cards FJ note yardline and then go to where the ball will be placed Face direction of movement Timing Extension of period
Discussions that to be addressed Overtime procedures . Half Time Discussions that to be addressed Overtime procedures Concerns with teams
Post game discussion (debrief) . End of Game Game Reports, etc. (Complete before any other aspect of the post-game begins) Post game discussion (debrief) Build camaraderie – have a bite to eat TOGETHER