Professional Portfolio Michelle Dalton, MS, RN Professional Portfolio
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN I am seeking a position as a Family Nurse Practitioner servicing vulnerable children, adolescents and adults in a high risk community. I have particular interest in women’s health and STD management. My primary objective is to care for these clients with significant focus on providing disease prevention strategies and health education.
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN 5 year goal statement Find employment as a part time nurse practitioner in a primary care setting, with either family practice or women’s health focus In addition, work part-time providing care to at risk adolescents in a community based clinic Develop a practice and patient base with a focus on health maintenance, disease prevention and risk reduction, providing multiple resources and assistance to the facility and their population Organize and participate in community outreach and education programs such as health fairs, immunization clinics, diabetic screening, etc.
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN 5 year goals, cont. Network with other nurse practitioners and health care professionals to advance the role of nursing at the community, state and national level. Participate in local and foreign mission programs to use my skills to assist underserved communities and individuals around the world. Begin teaching students, undergraduate and graduate, at the clinical level. Continue volunteering with a parish nurse/ health ministry team at a local church, providing health screening, education, and other services to the community
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN Resume, highlights BSN, Hope College 2000 MS, FNP University of Michigan 2005 Eligible to take certification exam July, 2005 5 years clinical experience St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, Pontiac, MI Registered Nurse Care Manager, surgical telemetry unit St. John Oakland Hospital Registered Nurse, Same Day Surgery & Endoscopy Click to download complete resume (printable PDF version)
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN Education and Experience Clinical experiences include: Adult Primary Care (264 hours) Family Practice and Pediatrics (112 hours) Obstetrics and Women’s Health (64 hours) Internal Medicine and Pediatrics (80 hours) Adolescent Health (48 hours) Examples Master level work (click links to view samples) Master project Patient teaching tool Quick reference guide Example GU progress note Resource material
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN Community service, highlights Instructor for “Wellness for a Lifetime”, health promotion program for Ann Arbor community, January 2004-April 2004 Health Ministry Team, St. Thomas Community Church 2004-present Participated in MCREST (Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team), including monitoring and administration of medications, 1996-2005
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN Contact Information Michelle Dalton, MS, RN 22790 Albion Farmington Hills, MI 48336 248-615-4387
Michelle Dalton, MS, RN References Dr. Nancy George Wayne State University 5557 Cass, Room 306 Cohn Bldg. Detroit, MI 48202 313-577-8300 Karen Nichols, NP 983 Lincoln Gross Pointe, MI 48230 313-885-6124 Elaine McIntosh, RNCS, FNP University of Michigan School of Nursing 2364 Bishop Ave. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 734-647-1636