Conserve and Disciple Social and Spiritual Activities administered to disciple new members into the advent faith by providing them affirmation, love, assurance and support. Equipping them to effectively share their faith with others thus influencing others to accept Christ as their Savior.
Objectives of Conserve and Disciple 1 To devise relevant methods to conserve and disciple all the newly baptized members of the church. 2 To assign an individual special responsibility in each local church to coordinate the conserve and disciple initiative.
Objectives of Conserve and Disciple 3 To engage various ministries of the church to develop specific conserve and disciple initiatives relevant to the membership category that they serve. 4 To provide recognition and appreciation to employees and laity for their involvement in the mission of the of the Church.
Some Actions to Achieve C&D Every P& R initiative - Devise special method to conserve and disciple all newly baptized members. contextualize the conserve and disciple initiative to Unions, local fields and communities due to different individual needs. provide assurance, affirmation, love and support to new believer. Some Actions to Achieve C&D
Some Actions to Achieve C&D Church Ministries to plan and initiate Conserve and Disciple programs: Sabbath School All Members Through Study Initiatives Youth Ministries Young People Children Ministries Children
Some Actions to Achieve C&D Church Ministries to plan and initiate Conserve and Disciple programs: Ministerial Association Family Ministries Men Ministries Women Ministries Pastors and their family Couples Men Women
LTM SUMMITS Division shall conduct an annual Division-wide LTM Summit that highlights, affirms and celebrates the outcomes of each of the five principal components of the LTM Initiative. Union / local field may conduct their own LTM Summit.
LTM CONVENTIONS Special launch of Transform And live Components 2016 East Venezuela Righteousness of Christ’s 2017 Inter Oceanic Fundamental Study Beliefs Part 1 2018 Haitian Fundamental Study Beliefs Part 2 2019 Bahamas Faithfulness of Christ
LTM AND THE MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH Each church ministry is to embrace LTM and actively participate so as to fulfill the general mission of the organization.
LTM AND THE MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH Each director to determine which of the five components would formulate the fundamental initiatives of their ministry.
LTM AND THE MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH Establish achievable goals in such areas, mobilize employee and laity participation towards the realization of such.
EMPHASIS OF MINISTRIES IN LTM TRANSFORM AND LIVE Ministries: Children Youth Family Women Sabbath School Education Men’s Public Campus Stewardship
EMPHASIS OF MINISTRIES IN LTM EXPLORE AND LEARN M i n s t r e Personal Children Youth Health Women Men’s Adventist Mission
EMPHASIS OF MINISTRIES IN LTM CONTACT AND SHARE Ministries: Personal Children Youth Publishing Religious Liberty Community Services Health Communication Family Men’s Women
EMPHASIS OF MINISTRIES IN LTM PROCLAIM AND REAP M i n s t r e Women Men’s Youth Children Personal Ministries NB. The Personal Ministries team must help the ministries in organizing, and training the children, youth, women and men for effectiveness in the areas of evangelistic preaching, bible instruction and general evangelistic witnessing.
EMPHASIS OF MINISTRIES IN LTM CONSERVE AND DISCIPLE Ministries: Sabbath School Children Youth Women Men’s Special Needs Personal
TRANSFORMATION CONGRESSES For example, all congresses should have the participation of non- Adventists doing community impact initiatives along with the members, and participating in other aspects of the program according to organized plans.
TRANSFORMATION CONGRESSES Through observations and participation, it is expected that these non-Adventists will develop interest in the Adventist Church, the beliefs of the church and membership in the Church.
Three Desired Outcomes of LTM in the Local Church Spiritual Growth Soul Winning Consolidation of Members
LTM AND MINISTRIES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Most local church ministries have a committee to plan, execute the programs, and activities to fulfill their mission.
LTM AND MINISTRIES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES LTM leadership team - ensure that each of such committees meet and determine the objectives, plans, and project of the Ministry in respect of the Lord Transform Me initiative.
LTM AND MINISTRIES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Each Ministry Director: Submit objectives, plans and projects on the prescribed form to the leader of each of the “Lord Transform Me” Component.
LTM AND MINISTRIES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Each leader: Take the report to the LTM Leadership Team Meeting for discussion, analysis and scheduling.
LTM Component Leaders: LTM REPORTING SYSTEM LTM Component Leaders: Serve as counselor, mentor, guide and motivator to the ministries that fall under the ambit of their leadership. Collect reports from such ministries , present them to the leadership team, which in turn will complete a general report of the LTM initiative for the local conference, Union and the Division.
LTM PASTORAL STRATEGIC PLAN Every Church Pastor Develop a LTM Strategic Plan for his/her local church or Pastoral District. Based on a SWOT analysis of the local church and pastoral district, it should include action plans and strategic outcomes in all five components of the LTM initiative.
LTM PASTORAL STRATEGIC PLAN Evangelism Director Of The Local Field: Work along with each pastor in the development of such strategic plan. The Director: Provide training for the pastors in the development of such strategic plan.
LTM PASTORAL STRATEGIC PLAN The Union Director: Work along with the local field director in preparing the training of such pastors for the development of the plan. The Local Field Director: Provide supervision and support to the pastor in the implementation and execution of such strategic plan.
LTM LOCAL FIELD STRATEGIC PLAN Every local field: Develop a LTM Strategic Plan for the entire territory. Based on a SWOT analysis of the local territory, it should include action plans and strategic outcomes in all five components of the LTM initiative.
LTM LOCAL FIELD STRATEGIC PLAN The Evangelism Director And Local Field President: Work together along with other officers and departmental leaders in the development of such strategic plan.
LTM LOCAL FIELD STRATEGIC PLAN The Union Evangelism Director : Provide training and assistance for the directors and other personnel at the local field level in the development of such strategic plan.
LTM LOCAL FIELD STRATEGIC PLAN The Union Director : Provide supervision and support to the local field director in the implementation and execution of such strategic plan.
LTM UNION STRATEGIC PLAN Every Union Develop LTM Strategic Plan for the entire Union territory. Based on a SWOT analysis of the territory, the plan should include action plans and strategic outcomes in all five components of the LTM initiative.
LTM UNION STRATEGIC PLAN Evangelism Training And Development Director And The Union President: Work together, along with other officers and departmental leaders in the development of such strategic plan.
LTM UNION STRATEGIC PLAN Division evangelism training and development director : Provide training and assistance for the directors and other personnel at the Union level in the development of such strategic plan.
LTM UNION STRATEGIC PLAN Division Director: Provide supervision and support to the local field director in the implementation and execution of such strategic plan.
LTM MISSION CONGRESSES During the Quinquennium, LTM Congresses, retreats, summits and conventions shall be held at the Division, Union, and local field levels.
LTM MISSION CONGRESSES Shall be held as joint Ministries Mission programs to inspire spiritual growth, Train members and employees for mission fulfillment, Celebrate achievements, Recognize outstanding efforts, and accomplishments in each of the five areas of the LTM initiative.
LTM MISSION CONGRESSES The Division Office : Shall Convene one Congresses, with the participation of all the relevant Ministries. 75% of the Ministries emphasis in these congresses shall be LTM oriented. 25% shall be related to other aspects of the departmental operation.
LTM MISSION CONGRESSES Daily departmental emphases shall be determined to consider the multi functions of many members.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The Church Board: Shall perform the coordinating and final decision making function in all matters pertaining the LTM Initiative.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM Leadership Committee : Make recommendations to each Ministry for consideration by such ministry councils or committee concerning the entire LTM initiative. maintain two-way dialogue with each ministry through the relevant representative on the LTM Leadership Team.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM Leadership Committee : Recommend final actions concerning LTM initiatives to be taken to the Church Board for approval and final action. Ensure that there is no conflict in the functions of each ministry and that there is proper coordination, collaboration and scheduling of LTM programs, events and activities
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM Leadership Committee: Determine after due process and recommend to the Board, the specific LTM objectives to be achieved annually.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM Leadership Committee : Shall include but not be limited to the following: a) Develop an LTM Master Plan for the church. This includes establishing the short, medium, and long- term Proclaim and Reap vision for the church.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM Leadership Committee : b) Recruit, train, and deploy members of the church to function in the various LTM Mission classifications. c) Provide LTM resources to the members of the church for effective implementation of the five components of the initiatives.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM leadership committee d) Educate the members of the church about the LTM initiative in order to create awareness, knowledge for the arousal of interest and participation.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM Leadership Committee : e) Create awareness among members of their actual performance in the LTM initiative in comparison to expectations. f) Provide motivation, appreciation and recognition to the members for participation in the LTM initiative of the Church.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM The LTM Leadership Committee : g) Determine, implement, maintain, and supervise effective LTM initiatives for engaging, nurturing and conserving of new believers.
ROLE OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES IN LTM Committee or Council of Each Ministry : Ensure proper planning and coordination so that the final actions taken by the Church Board based on LTM recommendations is properly executed.
LTM MISSION INITIATIVES To execute this aspect of the initiative, the “Lord Transform Me leadership team” is expected to determine who are the active and inactive members of the church and seek their engagement.
LTM MISSION INITIATIVES The innovation and creativity of each pastor, conserve and disciple leader and the local church “Lord Transform Me Leadership Team” in general will be required for the effectiveness of this program.
Active Members All active members of the church should be identified and be part of a special program in which they receive special discipleship training. Each ministry involved in conserve and disciple under the guidance of the Pastor and the LTM team of the church must coordinate efforts for effectiveness.
ACTIVE MEMBERS Every active member must be encouraged to determine in what category of mission he or she will be involved and where necessary, they should be trained to participate.
ACTIVE MEMBERS Some areas of classification in which active members of the church may be involved in LTM Mission Initiatives: Prayer Coordinators Evangelistic Preachers Financial contribution to social projects Bible workers Building social relations Financial contribution to evangelistic projects
Active Members Some areas of classification in which active members of the church may be involved in LTM Mission Initiatives: Required Material Resources Contribution Specialized Area Member Training Support Services In Evangelist Witnessing Providing Technological Services Team Leaders For Evangelistic Witnessing Clinching Decisions For Baptism
Active Members Some areas of classification in which active members of the church may be involved in LTM Mission Initiatives: Develop/produce required materials and resources Re-engage inactive members Special need caregivers
Inactive Members Identify inactive church members Ascertain cause of their inactivity, engage them in dialogue and address their needs and or concern. Refer them to persons within the Church or relevant professionals, able to address their issues.
Inactive Members LTM Leadership team designates gifted skillful, tactful persuasive ,confidential persons to address this very delicate area. Encouraged them to participate in the Transform and Live activities of the Church as well as to be involved in Lord Transform Me Mission Initiatives.
Local Church LTM Mission Appreciation and Recognition Plan Pastor should devise a special appreciation and recognition program for such members who have fulfilled their commitment in the LTM Mission Initiatives. In the occasion, local Conference should send a representative who will express the sentiments of appreciation to the members on behalf of the Inter-America Division, the Union and the local field administration.
Local Church LTM Mission Appreciation and Recognition Plan Financial contribution from Union and the local field to the program. Presentation of an Award Pin and or certificate from Inter-American Division to each member for their meaningful involvement in the mission of the organization.
LTM Pastoral Appreciation and Recognition Plan Each local field shall plan and execute an annual appreciation and recognition ceremony for all pastors who have achieved the following objectives within the year: Conserve 80% or more of their active members
LTM PASTORAL APPRECIATION AND RECOGNITION PLAN Secure the active participation of the 80% active members in the LTM Mission initiatives of the Church.
LTM PASTORAL APPRECIATION AND RECOGNITION PLAN Each local field shall plan and execute an annual appreciation and recognition ceremony for all pastors who have achieved the following objectives within the year: Conserve 80% or more of the inactive members and have at least 50% of them participate actively in the LTM Mission Initiatives of the Church
LTM PASTORAL APPRECIATION AND RECOGNITION PLAN Increase the membership within the church or pastoral district by 8% annually
LTM Pastoral Appreciation and Recognition Plan IAD shall contribute the equivalent of between 50% and 100% of a month’s salary to the LTM Mission Initiative of such pastors for each year that the church or pastoral district fulfilled the stated objectives.
LTM Pastoral Appreciation and Recognition Plan The Union and local field shall provide a matching percentage of the sum of money contributed by the Division to the LTM Mission Appreciation and Recognition Plan of such church or district each year.
LTM Pastoral Appreciation and Recognition Plan Each local field should provide a personal Appreciation and Recognition gift to the qualified pastors in the form of evangelistic resources or other tangible contribution. Pastors who maintain this record for three years within the quinquennium shall be invited to attend the LTM Conference to be held by the Division in Indianapolis, Indiana, before the 61st General Conference Session in the year 2020.
LTM Pastoral Appreciation and Recognition Plan Each Union and local field should organize ongoing Explore and Learn Initiatives to motivate and equip Pastors to effectively execute the LTM Initiative.
Other Appreciation and Recognition Lord Transform Me Lay Preachers Appreciation and Recognition Plan LTM Appreciation and Recognition Plan for Local Field Evangelism Directors Lord Transform Me Appreciation and Recognition Plan for Local Field President
OTHER APPRECIATION AND RECOGNITION Lord Transform Me Appreciation and Recognition Plan for Union Evangelism Trainers Pastoral Evangelism Consultation and Strategic Planning
Directing the LTM Initiative in the Division, Union, Local Field and Church The Assistant to the President for Evangelism Training and Development shall direct the LTM initiative at the Division and Union levels. Each local field shall assign this responsibility to a director who is able to give effective leadership, direction and coordination.
Directing the LTM Initiative in the Division, Union, Local Field and Church The local church board must appoint an elder as the general coordinator who also serves as the Vice Chair of the LTM team.
Directing the LTM Initiative in the Division, Union, Local Field and Church The Church Board also appoints a leader for each of the five components. The Pastor of the Church has the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that all the dimensions of LTM functions effectively in the church.
LTM EFICAZ EN LA CONGREGACIÓN LOCAL Calidad de culto Calidad de compañerismo Calidad de servicio Calidad de compromiso
DEVELOPING LTM MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND PROJECTS Some examples of materials, resources and projects that may be considered for funding: Development of: New Bible Lesson Series A series on the Righteousness of Christ that members of the local church can understand and make personal application to their lives.
DEVELOPING LTM MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND PROJECTS Some examples of materials, resources and projects that may be considered for funding: Developing: New series of Evangelistic Sermons New sermon graphics Relevant trainers and trainee’s manuals to address specific areas of LTM.
DEVELOPING LTM MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND PROJECTS Some examples of materials, resources and projects that may be considered for funding: Practical ways to contact and share on a spiritual and social level with non-Adventists Realistic ways to connect with in-active members of the church and get them engaged. Unique Mission initiative with potential to baptize large number of souls.
DEVELOPING LTM MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND PROJECTS Some examples of materials, resources and projects that may be considered for funding are: Development of: LTM Application for iPad, iPhones, etc. Video clips or visual presentations to complement sermon presentations Developing Sermon illustrations.
DEVELOPING LTM MATERIALS, RESOURCES AND PROJECTS Some examples of materials, resources and projects that may be considered for funding are: Development of: LTM Software for marketing, connecting, content sharing, information gathering, witnessing, reporting, etc.