Sleep, Brain and Science Facts What Is Sleep? What is Sleep for? What happens when you sleep? Consequences of sleep deprivation Developing healthy sleep habits
a vital component of your life, The role of sleep •Sleep plays a vital role as adolescents develop and go through the maturation process. • Adolescence is a time of increased responsibility, peer pressure and busy schedules. As a result…… SLEEP, a vital component of your life, is often compromised.
Why is sleep important? Food for the brain – produces alertness, enhances memory and our ability to learn A biological requirement – helps us perform effectively and safely Essential for development – particularly during growth and maturation A key to our health – as important as good nutrition and regular exercise Getting sleep helps prevent illness. Good sleep is associated with good health.
So you really should ‘sleep on it’!! 4 key uses of sleep To rest and build up supplies of energy (with your brain going at half speed) To dream (an aerobic session for your neural pathways!) To help you problem solve To form new memories So you really should ‘sleep on it’!!
What about teenagers? A recent study from the USA suggests that: Teenagers are Chronically Sleep Deprived Teenagers need 8 ½ –9 ½ hours of sleep. 85% get less than the minimum requirement. Teenagers often have poor sleep habits and irregular sleep patterns – trying to make up for sleep on weekends. Teenagers regularly experience daytime sleepiness.
What is Sleep? – A Rollercoaster Ride! There are 3 different types of sleep: Shallow (also known as stage 1 & 2) Deep Sleep (also known as stage 3 & 4) Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep We repeat this whole cycle every 90 minutes
A closer look at the sleep cycle
What are the consequences of not getting enough sleep? The captain of this cargo liner, Victus, fell asleep and ploughed into this holiday house. Miraculously, no one was hurt!
Strategies for going to sleep
10 key strategies for have a good nights sleep (and some cool science behind it) Maintain a quiet, calm, cool environment (make your bedroom a sleep haven) Engage in relaxing non stimulating activity prior to sleep (that shouldn’t be TV!) Prioritise sleep – make it important to you (don’t make yourself stay up late!) Establish a regular sleep routine (avoid homemade ‘jet lag’) Get involved with after-school activities
10 key strategies for have a good nights sleep (and the science behind it) 6. Reduce your stress (overdriven and overscheduled teenagers sacrifice sleep the most) 7. Don’t drink or eat too much prior to bed time 8. Don’t leave your homework to the last minute 9. Do the same things every night prior to going to sleep (you teach your body the right signals) 10.If you stay awake worrying, start a diary or to-do lists, then you won’t stay awake