The 8th Annual Leadership Initiative in Science Education (LISE 8) Using Second Life in the Chemistry Classroom The 8th Annual Leadership Initiative in Science Education (LISE 8) Chemical Heritage Foundation Jean-Claude Bradley E-Learning Coordinator College of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor of Chemistry Drexel University April 29, 2008
What is the role of a chemistry teacher? Produce chemists by any means necessary!
View vodcasts on iTunes or on a video iPod
Natural migration from F2F to screencast/podcast channels CHEM 241 89 students CHEM 243 64 students
Teacher as a Learning Catalyst Use class time for workshops and assign recorded lectures Be present while students do problems, watch lectures, play games, use Second Life Discuss extra credit assignment on Second Life Address technical implementation on their laptops Small groups or one-on-one
Student Blogging
Student assignments on a wiki
Student assignment on NMR using live research data and JSpecView
Games on a TabletPC: Wheel of Orgo
EduFrag Maze (without weapons)
EduFrag Unreal Tournament (with weapons)
Quiz Obelisks in Second Life (Eloise Pasteur)
Student Assignments in Second Life
Flying Around on a Molecule
SMILES, InChIs and InChIKeys: the new language of chemistry
Visualizing NMR spectra on Second Nature Island
Interacting with NMR spectra (JCAMP-DX)
Talk to the spectrum: zoom 2.1-2.3 (Andy Lang)
Docking Demonstration on Drexel Island
Enoyl Reductase by Peter Miller
Avidin: From PDB file to…..
Avidin 3D structure in Second Life (Andy Lang)
Imine Formation Mechanism: talk to the molecules!
Indexing Molecules on
3D Periodic Table (ACS and Andrew Lang)
Faculty “Offices” on Drexel Island
Bradley Lab on Drexel Island
Posters on Second Nature – with Bells
Conferences on Second Nature
Kate Sellar (Finola Graves) Andrew Lang (Hiro Sheridan) ACS Island Kate Sellar (Finola Graves) Andrew Lang (Hiro Sheridan)
ACS Headquarters
ACS Landmarks
Virtual Poster Area
Nanotubes and Felicene
Resident Chemist Program: Hinestroza Lab
Rosania Lab
Party in the ACS Geodesic Dome! 13:30 EDT May 6, 2008
Summary Use wikis to organize content and to interact with students on assignments Use Second Life to stretch student and teacher imagination – and encourage networking Use multiple channels to deliver content and assess learning Most of these technologies are simple, free and hosted