CAHSS CAHSS: Past-Present-Future Easily change photo. Please click on the small icon in the center of the holder and choose an image on your computer. When you added the image send it to back (Right click on the image > Send to Back). CAHSS: Past-Present-Future
Timeline: PAST 2016 Deans asked to reduce budgets. CAHSS budget reduction totaled 1.5 million. Mar CAHSS identified $600,000 (of the 1.5 million) in budget reduction. Jul 2017 Eight months later, CAHSS still owes $900,000 to satisfy the 1.5 million reduction. Mar
2017 Remaining $900,000 required to be identified by October 15, 2017. Oct 2018 While still working through the process of the $900,000 reduction, state appropriations for FY19 are announced. Easily change photo. Please click on the small icon in the center of the holder and choose an image on your computer. When you added the image send it to back (Right click on the image > Send to Back). Feb Reorganization surfaces as leading idea for cost savings and productivity. Feb
Historic financial challenges for CAHSS Hiring instructors to fill one-year positions; keeping instructor when tenure-track position is filled. Highest percent of faculty release time across campus. Small class sizes for many programs. Largest number of graduate assistant positions for any college; 40% of UCM total. Sabbaticals. Only college supporting academic leave on a regular basis. Funded by the college. Revenue generated from course offerings does not equal college expenses.
Timeline: PRESENT 2018 Additional reductions for CAHSS anticipated based on state appropriations and enrollment projections. Mar SRAM (RCM) Model being used to analyze college and department budget stability. Based on SRAM/RCM comparison, a high percentage of CAHSS departments do not generate enough revenue to cover expenses. Apr Apr
Timeline: FUTURE SRAM / RCM Subvention: Revenue generated pays expenses: Personnel, operations, travel, etc. Surplus revenue stays in college and/or school (incentive model). SRAM / RCM Revenue from courses flows back to the college and from the college to the schools… Subvention: Surplus revenue from one area used to support a more expensive area. Subvention for CAHSS has been paid by Provost’s office for years. Lorem Ipsum has been the dummy text ever since the 1500s. College Easily change photo. Please click on the small icon in the center of the holder and choose an image on your computer. Schools CAHSS: Projected to require regular subvention until productivity can be increased.
Reorganization: Model 1
Different Dean and programs split between colleges. Model 1 PRO CON PRO CON Best chance for expensive program subvention at the college level and therefore, time for programs to develop productivity. CAHSS Leadership will likely remain stable at a higher percentage than any other college. No true Liberal Arts College which reflects the current program alignment. Different Dean and programs split between colleges. 1 With Eric Tenbus leaving, CAHSS has 6 current chairs. This model would potentially place all existing chairs in leadership roles. UCM projected to move to RCM model as early as FY2020. Parallel models between current budget and RCM model evaluated during FY19. Easily change photo. Please click on the small icon in the center of the holder and choose an image on your computer.
Other Reorganization Models: Retain Four Academic Colleges: CAHSS maintains current leadership structure with Interim Dean. Schools to be determined (see below). Even with reorganizing to schools, the administrative cost would reduce projections by as much as $300,000. School sizes targeted at 30 – 35 faculty for effective management. Would require 5 schools minimum for CAHSS. Average salary + benefits for a full-time instructor, 1st or 2nd year tenure track position, is $70,000. It would take 4.5 faculty positions to equal $300,000. Programs cuts would be reviewed, although no immediate savings generated. Other options include across the board salary reduction.
Other Reorganization Models: Reorganize to three Colleges, but with one large Arts & Sciences college. All CAHSS programs move to this college. CAHSS loses the independent Dean. An Associate Dean would likely oversee the liberal arts programs and serve as an advocate. Cost savings very similar to other three-college projections.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS? CAHSS Preference Survey: Lorem Ipsum has been the dummy text ever since the 1500s. CAHSS Preference Survey: Lorem ipsum Lorem Ipsum has been the dummy text ever since the 1500s.